Poltys CA Outbound Dialer Module Training Presentation
Benefits TDE, NCP and NS1000 series PBX Benefits to Customer Significantly improve productivity Agents spend more time talking than dialing Enhance customer service and increase customer satisfaction Speeds up response times Increase productivity, reduce costs Benefits to Dealer Increase sales into Collections Agencies, Patient Check- Up, Appointment Confirmation, Lead Generating, Telemarketing, Political Campaigns Benefits to Sales Company Enhance the CA functionality with a new productivity feature that allows penetration in vertical markets
Outbound Dialer Module – Presentation Content OverviewFeatures TDE, NCP and NS1000 series PBX
OVERVIEW Chapter 1
Overview Works with CA PRO/ Supervisor/Console Multi Language GUI Automatically places calls to a predefined list of phone numbers from the CA user phone and presented with popup screen for notes when call is answered Agents write down call notes Call list can be filled by user or imported from CSV file Agents can share the Call List
Use Case – PBX mode Call every customer in the List When the Call is Answered pop up screen for notes Agent writes call notes CA + TDE/NCP/NS1000 Call Every Entry in the List Call answered- Pay message No Answer – Retry later Customers Automatically call customers in list using the agent phone when the agent status is available Call Every Entry in the List Call answ ered - Pay messa ge No Answ er – Retry later Agent CA Client Outbound Dialer Module Outbound Dialer Module
Use Case – CA Server Call every customer in the List When the Call is Answered pop up screen for notes Agent writes call notes Customers Call Every Entry in the List Call answ ered - Pay messa ge No Answ er – Retry later Agent CA Client Outbound Dialer Module Outbound Dialer Module NCP/TDE/NS1000 CA Server Call Every Entry in the List Call answered- Pay message No Answer – Retry later Automatically call customers in list using the agent phone when the agent status is available
FEATURES Section 2
Start the Outbound Dialer Module Outbound Dialer Module is launched by clicking on ACD Report button in CA Supervisor or CA Pro. 2. Click on Outbound Dialer button. 1. Click on ACD Report button.
Select Outbound Dialer GUI Language Select the GUI language 2. Select Language menu option. 1. Click on File menu option. 4. Select language. 5. Click on OK button and restart application. 3. Click on drop- down list button.
Outbound Dialer Module Call Parameters Configure Call Parameters Maximum number of retries before giving up Time interval between retries Outbound prefix string if needed No answer timeout – how long to call before deciding there is no answer 2. Select Settings menu option. 1. Click on Settings menu option. 3. Configure call parameters. 4. Click on OK button.
Outbound Dialer Module – Manual Call List Outbound Dialer Module lets the agents fill in the destination recipients list manually or import it from a CSV file (next slide) 1. Click on Add button. 2. A new blank item is added to the list. 3. Fill in Name, Phone No and Call Time. 4. Make sure that Call Status is set to NOT_CALLED. 5. Repeat adding new items to the list as needed. 6. Click on Apply button for changes to take effect.
Outbound Dialer Module – Import Call List Outbound Dialer Module lets the customer to fill in the destination recipients by importing call list. 1. Click on Import Call List button. 2. Click on browse button. 6. Click on Import button. 3. Select file to be imported. 5. Check option if the CSV file contains header as first line. 4. Click on Open button. 7. Click on Apply button for changes to take effect.
Outbound Dialer Module – CSV File Format Optional header line in CSV file. 1. Fill in person Name to be called 2. Fill in Phone No to be called 4. Set Retry Count to 0 for all items 3. Set NOT_CALLED for all items
Start/Stop Outbound Dialer Start Outbound Dialer by pressing the Start outbound calls Stop Outbound Dialer by pressing the Stop outbound calls Once the Outbound Dialer is started, the items in outbound call list with Call Status set to NOT_CALLED or NO_ANSWER and Retries less then Max Retry are processed 1. Start calls. 2. Stop calls.
Outbound Dialer Module Call Notes After the call was answered, Outbound Dialer Module displays a pop-up window that lets the Agent to modify either Call Status/ Notes 1/ Notes 2/ Notes 3 fields 1. Call got connected.
Outbound Dialer Module Manual Dial Stop Outbound Dialer by pressing Stop outbound calls Press Dial next call button The first number in the list that has Call Status set to NOT_CALLED or NO_ANSWER and Retries less then Max Retries is called If the call is marked with NO_ANSWER, the call is automatically redialed after Retry Time 2. Click on Dial next call button to place calls one by one. 1. Click on Stop outbound calls button to make sure that the calling process is stopped.
Outbound Dialer Module Sharing The Call List Agents can share the outbound call list between them In this case, they need connect to a remote Outbound Dialer database as shown below 2. Select Database location menu option. 1. Click on Settings menu option. Make sure that the PC that shares its database with other Agents has the MS SQL Server Dynamic Port opened in the Firewall. 3. Enter the IP Address of the database that its shared. 4. Click on Save button.
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