Parenting 5.01 A Toddler’s Mind
Memory The ability to store and recall information learned and events experienced Most people’s earliest memory is from around 3 ½ years old
Attention Span The ability to focus for a time on selected sensory information or an activity Normal attention span is 3-5 minutes/year of age
Perception The ability to take in information from the senses
Reasoning The ability to figure out what to do; the solution to a problem, why something has happened A young toddler solves problems by trial-and-error, and the older toddler uses memory
Imagination The ability to think of things in ways different from how they exist in reality Helps children cope with fears and things they don’t understand Play encourages imagination
Creativity The ability to make something concrete from what one has imagined A toddler’s fine motor skills are increasing with the ability to hold a crayon and color and write.
Curiosity The inner need to question things that leads to learning more about them Toddler’s wonder “Why” and “How” This is encouraged by providing a safe environment, new experiences, and using imagination