My Design Plans for the Health Times Booklet. Insert name here
In this Month’s edition… Design 1 - Front Cover Move the boxes below where you want them! Resize them! Change the colour! Change the name of the boxes Delete this box! Health Times Title Main Headline Date/Edition Picture/Photo Main Article In this Month’s edition…
Design 1 – Article Page Headline Story e.g. 5 a day reduces risk of Cancer Info about British Heart Foundation Diet & Nutrition Info Running advice Picture/Photo Headline Main Article
Design 1 – Details In this design my house style would include the following features: (Comment here on page size, margins, number of columns, space between columns) The software I would use to make my booklet is I will complete my work by the following date In order to keep my layout consistent on all pages I would The following features would be included on my master page I will use headers and footers on all my pages to display the following information This design relates to my research because
Design 2 - Front Cover
Design 2 – Article Page
Design 2 – Details In this design my house style would include the following features: (Comment here on page size, margins, number of columns, space between columns) The software I would use to make my booklet is I will complete my work by the following date In order to keep my layout consistent on all pages I would The following features would be included on my master page I will use headers and footers on all my pages to display the following information This design relates to my research because