National context and conclusions Dr Padraig Walsh, Chief Executive, QQI
Quality assurance and re-engagement Quality assurance policy – core and sector specific Fit for purpose – not ‘one size fits all’ Re-engagement = approval of provider QA procedures by QQI on the basis of the 2012 Act Applies to all sectors – all providers
Quality assurance and re-engagement Challenging for everyone Self evaluation – key project in ETBs in 2017 and under consideration in other parts of FET sector QA as an emerging discipline and practice- networks, associations, peer learning activities and opportunities, cross sectoral engagement- good supports
National context- a culture of quality QQI leverages and supports positioning of quality assurance work on the national agenda through multiple levels of strategic engagement Chief Executives of ETBs SOLAS DES National agencies, associations Publication of reports Enhancement events, showcasing effective practice
National context- a culture of quality Initial (Annual) dialogue meetings (ADMs) scheduled for FET sector, starting with ETBs in 2017 Visit by QQI to ETBs to see and hear from them in their context at a point in time
Conclusions IQAVET- a role to play in supporting a culture of quality nationally Linked to and informed by international practices, increasingly a global VET community EQAVET- a framework and network to implement an important Recommendation connected to other instruments that serve learners and learning EQAVET+ reflects new directions and challenges to systems and practices- important we grow with and shape these too.
Conclusions A common cause- ‘Extensive high quality education and training opportunities with qualifications that are widely valued nationally and internationally’ (QQI vision) A common approach- ‘…Working collectively, building a shared understanding of quality assurance and development, exchanging experiences, generating new insights…’ (EQAVET vision) We work (together) to enhance the quality of education and training ( QQI Strategy Statement)
2017- new milestones, new paths ‘Quality begins on the inside... then works its way out.’ Bob Moawad ‘Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.’ Winston Churchill ‘Traveller, there is no path. The path is made by walking’ Antonio Machado ‘Quality is not an act. It is a habit’ Aristotle ‘Quality means doing it right when nobody is looking’ Henry Ford