English Colonization of the New World
Standard: SSUSH1 Compare and contrast the development of English settlement and colonization during the 17th Century.
Jamestown The First Permanent English Colony The Jamestown Colony was established on the James River in modern-day Virginia… The settlement was located far inland, to avoid raids from Spanish privateers… The colony was designated a “joint-stock” colony—all of the colonists were part-owners. And colonists expected to be repaid on their investment by the profits they hoped to realize when they discovered GOLD.
What was the PRIMARY reason the FIRST British colonists settled in North America? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) for religious freedom. B.) for political freedom. C.) to make money. D.) to explore undiscovered territory E.)
The original colonists were GENTLEMEN—unused to hard work… And most preferred prospecting for gold, instead of helping to plant crops. Since the settlement was inland and upriver, the water tended to be bad— And the swampy environment provided for poor hunting. Consequently, 80% of the original settlers died either from disease, starvation, or... Problems in Jamestown
John Smith John Smith became the leader of Jamestown. He brought much needed order to the colony Created a policy – you must work if you want to eat.
Jamestown and the Indians The land surrounding Jamestown was inhabited by thirty tribes of approximately 24,000 Indians… And their chief—Powhatan—originally determined to CONTAIN them, and TRADE with them— Rather than attempt to EXTERMINATE them. However, when the starving colonists began to resort to DESPERATE, VIOLENT steps to obtain food from the Indians— War broke out.
Conflict with the Indians Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan Confederacy eventually fought three wars— The natives had superior numbers and knowledge of the terrain— The colonists had gunpowder— And neither side was able to secure a decisive victory. The end result—the establishment of Indian RESERVATIONS— Would the set the pattern for the next 300 years. Conflict with the Indians
Which of the following statements BEST describes the relationship between the Jamestown colonists and the Powhatan-led Indian tribes? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) it was an economic relationship that led to increases of wealth for both sides. B.) it was a relationship primarily based upon the exchange of religious ideas. C.) it was a distant relationship; both sides had very little contact with each other. D.) it was a distrustful relationship that descended into violence. E.)
Because Jamestown settlers were likely to DIE by disease, famine, or Indian attack… The colony had obvious difficulty attracting new settlers. In order to convince people to come, the Virginia Company decided to offer: 50 acres of free land… And the right to elect governing REPRESENTATIVES. The representative body was known as the House of Burgesses— And is the first legislative assembly of elected representatives in North America. Governing Jamestown
What was the role of the Virginia House of Burgesses? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) to rule over the colony of Jamestown. B.) to challenge Royal authority over Jamestown C.) to protect the property of wealthy Jamestown colonists. D.) to give the colonists of Jamestown a voice in government. E.)
The Jamestown colony was almost abandoned on a number of different occasions— The main reason being that gold was never discovered— And the investors were MAKING NO MONEY. However: when colonist John Rolfe brought back to England a small amount of the sweet tobacco he’d grown in Jamestown— It caused a SENSATION— There is no gold in Virginia, but the climate is PERFECT for tobacco cultivation— And Jamestown became a tobacco BOOMTOWN. Tobacco
Which is the BEST description of the importance of tobacco cultivation to the Jamestown colony? iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) it led to an increase in Royal authority over the colony. B.) it saved the colony from economic ruin. C.) it led to a decline in the use of African slaves. D.) it helped foster good relations with the neighboring Native Americans. E.)
Indentured Servants Indentured Servant Contract The standard of living in England was BAD— And economic opportunities were LIMITED…. But on this side of the Atlantic… The tobacco economy had improved the standard of living in Jamestown DRAMATICALLY— And Jamestown settlers were getting RICH. Thousands of English poor wished to move to Virginia, but they had a problem: The cost of a TRANSATLANTIC boat trip was too high. So many made a deal: They would sell themselves into “servitude” (slavery)— Usually for seven years— In exchange for a ticket to Virginia. Indentured Servants Indentured Servant Contract
Bacon’s Rebellion Once indentured servants earned their FREEDOM… What did they want to IMMEDIATELY do? They wanted to establish tobacco farms of their OWN. However, as they began to settle territory WEST of Jamestown… They started getting SLAUGHTERED by Indians. Finally, a former indentured servant named Nathaniel Bacon organized a private army to REMOVE THE INDIANS.
Bacon’s Rebellion Bacon was ordered by the Governor to stop his activity immediately. Bacon REFUSED, and responded by launching an attack on Jamestown itself. He was killed in the fighting and the rebellion ENDED… But the people of Jamestown are soured on indentured servants, and begin instead to import… AFRICAN SLAVES to work the fields…Why? Because they will NEVER BE FREED, unlike indentured servants—who will eventually be COMPETITION, and who tend to CAUSE TROUBLE.
The MOST important effect of Bacon's Rebellion was that it... iRespond Question F Multiple Choice A.) led to greater political and religious freedom in Jamestown. B.) led to an widespread increase in the use of African slaves. C.) brought political power and influence to indentured servants. D.) caused the founding of several additional colonies around Virginia. E.)