How to begin before you write The Outlining Process How to begin before you write
Step 1: Brainstorm topics Things I know about: Cooking Living in a Small Town Camping Friendship Education Film
Step 2: Expand on what you know Cooking: takes practice fun need patience creativity healthy Finding Recipes Quality Cookware & ingredients Camping: Planning fun Safety Maps & materials Quality Gear Places to go
Step 3: Select Topic Which should I choose? I camp every year, but I cook almost every day. I love to camp more, but I can already see how I could organize cooking. Cooking is something I want to be better at, this could help me.
Before Outlining Before outlining, we need to do a little bit of research on the topic we are interested writing about. Today’s Task: Complete steps 1-3 in blue packet Find an article about the topic of your choice Answer the following questions about your article (in notebook): What is the main idea of your article? Is the author of this article entertaining us? Persuading? Informing? What are three supporting details/Quotes you could use in your informative article?
Step 4: Prepare to write thesis Brainstorm words and phrases that come to mind with cooking: Fun and creative planning and preparation Fast pace Challenging Time consuming
Step 5: Write Your Thesis Cooking is very challenging. But with planning, preparation, and creativity, anyone can do it. Fun and creative planning and preparation Fast pace Challenging Time consuming
Step 6: Outline Main Ideas and Details First Main Idea: In order to be prepared, one needs to have the right cookware. The Right Pot/Kettle Quality Cookware Clean Cookware Knives= Wusthof Pans= Al-Clad or Cuisinart No caked up materials throw away damaged cookware (peeling nonstick) Soaking Noodles= bigger kettle with lid Sauces= 2-3 inch deep sauce pan with handle
What does an OUTLINE look like? Title:________________ Intro: Hook Thesis Body: P#1: Topic Sentence Supporting Detail Conclusion: Restate Thesis Summarize Main Points Closing Statement What does an OUTLINE look like?
Step 7: Begin Rough Draft