Educational Video Planning Your Shots
Beginning the Plan Read the script Find your location(s) Video production schedule Get cast member(s) Make a list of necessary and supporting props Make a list of equipment you will need Decide whether or not you want audio in the scene or audio thats narrorated
Shot List What is a shot list?
Shot List SceneShotTypeDescriptionDone? Eg. 11.1MSAn example shot.
Shot List Production Title:Shoot Date: Shot No. Shot Name Scene No. Location ShotMovement Description of ActionCharactersLighting NotesProps TypeAngleTypeCue
Types of Shots Extreme Wide Shot (EWS) or Extreme Long Shot (ELS) Wide Shot (WS) or Long Shot (LS) Medium Shot (MS) Close-up (CU) Extreme Close-up (ESU)
Types of Shots ECU CU MS LS ELS GoPro CU MS LS OTS
There are no rules in filmmaking. Only sins. And the cardinal sin is dullness. - Frank Capra