Appreciating British Columbia’s diversity
AGLG mandate “…to conduct performance audits of the operations of local governments in order to provide local governments with objective information and relevant advice that will assist them in their accountability to their communities for the stewardship of public assets and the achievement of value for money in their operations.” -Auditor General for Local Government Act
Activities since launch Connecting with stakeholders Building up the office Annual service plans and audit planning Connecting with stakeholders Activities since launch
Population diversity of B.C. municipalities
Performance audits Look to see the extent to which operations are being carried out with due regard to economy, efficiency and effectiveness Are fact-based and try to identify best practices as well as where there may be opportunities for improvement
Getting our work underway Visit our website AGLG Office launched in January 2013 And now we are working to operationalize it. The office opened in January. Community, Sport and Cultural Development Minister Bill Bennett introduced me to the province at a news conference during my first week in the job. We launched our website… which you can find online at And we set to work getting out and engaging in the kind of direct communication that can only happen when you meet with someone face-to-face… as we are doing here today. At the same time… we have been working hard to get the office up and running. We’re hiring staff and retaining contractors… getting the human capability in place that we’ll need to fulfill our mandate. We have been developing procedures… protocols and criteria to ensure the objectivity and fairness of the office. And we have worked to develop the service plans that will guide our activities over the next three years. To help develop these… we held a two-day strategic planning workshop in Vancouver in early February with stakeholders and subject matter experts. This was designed to help us develop a risk-based performance audit plan… establish business and operational policy and procedures… and determine audit and assurance standards. We followed that session with a performance audit planning workshop later in February. This involved some of the same people as the earlier workshop… plus 20 chief administrative officers or other senior staff from a range of local governments across British Columbia. This workshop generated a list of potential performance audit themes ranked by relevance… significance… and risk. We then used these findings in a web-based performance audit planning survey that we circulated to the chief administrative officers of all local governments in B.C. We also conducted interviews with a cross-section of local governments and other stakeholders… carried out an environmental scan of local government issues and trends… reviewed legislation relevant to the AGLG and local governments… and looked at news media coverage of local government-related issues and emerging trends. All of this has enabled us to build a plan for the work we will undertake over coming months and beyond… acknowledging both the importance of being able to respond to issues that may emerge in the future… and the necessity… of course… that we work within the budget with which we have been provided.
Annual service plans 2012/13 - 2014/15 2013/14 - 2015/16
Audit themes
Goals and objectives
Performance measures Publishing Performance Audit Reports Engaging with Local Governments Operational and Administrative Infrastructure Level of Practice Evaluation of AGLG mandate Review of effectiveness of the Act and functioning of the office after five years
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