Office of Special Education and Early Intervention Services UPDATES December 2010
WHAT’S NEW? The DRAFT Notice and Consent Document is currently accepting stakeholder input until December 31, 2010. Copy of document can be found at Email input to
WHAT’S NEW? Changes in code use for educational environments for preschool Decision Tree, Worksheet, Instructions and quick guide on ECSE website
WHAT’S NEW? Updated SPP Crosswalk left side special education data tab MSDS now collects Preschool Special Education Outcomes
WHAT’S COMING? MDE-LIO Accessibility Document will be available soon at Contains resources list, accommodations request form, conference/meeting accommodations checklist
WHAT’S COMING? State and Due Process Complaints: Revised State Complaint Procedures Document Revised State Complaint Model Form Revised Due Process Complaint Model Form New Due Process Procedures Document New Due Process Resolution Session Summary Form required after resolution period
WHAT’S COMING? Community of Practice for State and ISD Monitors Mark Your Calendars: December 15, 2010 January 25, 2011 March 23, 2011
WHAT’S COMING? Monitoring Activities December 15, 2010 Workbook December 2010 Workbook Due Dates Winter Monitoring Cycle January 7th notification Discrepant Rates of Suspension and Expulsion
WHAT’S COMING? B-12 Findings will be in CIMS workbook on December 15 Funding formula for Part C was changed by the Office of Early Childhood and Family Services July 1, 2011 EARLY On Website ISDs and Districts encouraged to spend Preschool Special Education ARRA funds quickly
WHAT’S COMING? 3WiN open through December 13 Quality Review Process to confirm data is error free Certification by ISD
WHAT’S COMING? CEPI “data quality messages” to district by December 15 – Counts by Disability code Setting Ethnicity Age
DID YOU KNOW? October 26, 2010 the Office of Civil Rights issued a “Dear Colleague Letter” on harassment and bullying Introduction of S. 3895 “Keeping All Students Safe Act.” Seclusion & Restraint in IEPs defined guidelines private schools that serve SWDs
UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES December 9 Webinar on Educational Environments data collection December 10 MDE-LIO & Oakland ISD hosting Evidence-based Early Intervention Practices for Young Children with Visual Impairments
UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES 2010-11 NASDSE Professional Development Series Wednesday, January 12, 2011 January 15 “Who Did What to Whom?” registration ISD Monitors – February 7, 2011 – Data Sources for the Results Indicators
UPCOMING LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES New Monitor Training CCRESA January 20, March 22, May 17, 2011 February 17, 2011 Medicaid presentation Ingham ISD Liz Lentz
HOT TOPICS MDE-LIO has trust funds available for production of Braille books. Educational Interpreter Certification – 185/298 met the EIPA 3.5 MDE December/January webcast FAQ on Teacher/Student Data Link requirement details about students receiving special education
HOT TOPICS Office of Early Childhood and Family Services will release 2 RFPs Family Outcomes – Indicator C4 IFSP- Electronic Enhancements
UPDATES & REMINDERS Updated Sign Language Proficiency Assessment procedures and forms Procedural Safeguards available in Braille and American Sign Language MDE-LIO provides regional on-demand details available
UPDATES & REMINDERS Administrative Rules for Special Education have been approved for rulemaking SOAHR approved proposed School Social Worker rules
UPDATES & REMINDERS Interim Federal Expenditure Reports were due August 29, 2010 still several ISDs that have not submitted their IFERs Special Education Flowthrough Fiscal Year 2011 applications have been returned do not assume that Grant Funds available means ISDs application is 100% approved
UPDATES & REMINDERS Policy changes out for public comment – taking until December 12 System of Payments Policy Screening Policy New end date for time study returns due 2 weeks after quarter ends time study results impact entire state
UPDATES & REMINDERS Next meeting dates for Medicaid Implementers: March 1 and May 24, 2011 at Ingham ISD from 1:00-3:00 p.m. Spend ARRA dollars
From the Director’s Desk
WHAT’S NEW? The State of Michigan sold the Michigan School for the Deaf campus A shared campus for Michigan School for the Deaf and Powers High School MSD will have a new school building built by the developers Fay Hall will be renovated for Powers High School
WHAT’S COMING? Clarification Memo regarding Administrative Certification PA 205 Grandfathering Clause OSEP Leadership Mega Conference August 1 – 3, 2011; Crystal City, VA OSEP will begin to focus on RESULTS indicators
WHAT’S NEW? Opportunity for Michigan input for calculation criteria for disproportionate representation LIDTPI Low Incidence Disability Teacher Preparation Initiative
DID YOU KNOW? Michigan's Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi) Currently provides technical assistance and training for over 600 participating Michigan schools. In 2010-2011, MiBLSi is conducting over 400 days of training across the state, on evidence-based practices around behavior and reading supports.
DID YOU KNOW? A SNAPSHOT of MiBLSi Elementary Student Outcomes an average increase of 5% each year in students scoring at grade level based on Curriculum-Based Measurement reading assessments. a 10% average reduction in the rate of major discipline referrals per year. 7% more students meeting or exceeding standards on Michigan Education Assessment Program reading component (approximately 25 more students per school) an average reduction of 3% each year in students requiring intensive reading supports
DID YOU KNOW? A SNAPSHOT of MiBLSi Middle Student Outcomes increased student performance demonstrated by curriculum-based reading measures increased percent of students scoring at or above grade level in reading measures from 69% to 75% p decreased percent of students needing intensive supports from 13% to 9.5% reduced special education referrals from 1.98% to 1.56% of the total student enrollment over the past two years.
From the Director’s Desk When you Enter this Little room Consider yourself One of the special Members of a group who Enjoys working and learning. ...