COP 4343 Unix System Administration Unit 6: file systems /etc/fstab swap space quotas
File System Tasks prepare partition with fdisk make file system mkfs check file system fsck options: -a -n -i mount file system mount vs. umount add to system setup /etc/fstab
ext3 File Systems journaling file system make via ext2 evolution make via mkfs –t ext3 mkfs.ext3 make options: -L and –m change parameters: tune2fs
other File Systems reiserfs xfs jfs reiserfs-utils fast, sponsored by DARPA xfs xfsprogs SGI, 64 bit jfs jfsutils IBM, high-end servers
/etc/fstab Fields Device name or volume label Mount point Filesystem type Mount options defaults, rw, ro, suid, user usrquota, grpquota frequency (for dump command) pass number (for fsck)
Swap Space create area for additional virtual memory can be: disk partition or file dd if=/dev/zero of=swapfile bs=1024 count=... prepare via mkswap partition or file add to swap space swapon /etc/fstab
Quotas allows to set limits on soft limit hard limit strictly enforced diskspace used by user or group number of blocks number of inodes soft limit allows temporary overage has grace period hard limit strictly enforced needs kernel support
enabling quotas check & possibly recompile kernel label filesystem in fstab usrquota or grpquota create and check setup quotacheck –va creates control files aquota.user or turn quotas on quotaon -av
quota utilities set soft and hard limit for blocks and inodes edquota username setquota set grace period edquota –t check quota for user quota