Upcoming Events Happy Holidays! IMPORTANT INFO December 2016 Ms. King Kindergarten Stephanie.King @flushingscho ols.org (810)591-2309 Upcoming Events Tuesday, December 20th- Wear Green Day Wednesday, December 21st- Class Party 2:15-3:30 **PLEASE NOTE THE TIME CHANGE** Thursday, December 22nd- PJ and Polar Express Day **WE STILL HAVE GYM - STUDENTS NEED APPROPRIATE SHOES** Friday, December 23rd- Monday, January 2nd- NO SCHOOL ______________________________ A huge thank you to those of you that were able to come in and decorate stockings and cards!!! I am so grateful and I know the students are too Please send in winter clothes no matter the weather. We can never be certain if it will be indoor or outside recess until the time comes. If you are in need of any extra winter clothing, please let us know, we are happy to help! Happy Holidays! . Tip for Student Success Write with your students at home! We have been reading and creating our own pattern books. It is a great activity for cold days. Simply grab a few pieces of paper (they don’t care what it is) put them together and boom! A book! They love sharing it with others! It’s also a great way to work on a variety of skills! Writing, oral language, handwriting, reading, sight words, fine motor skills, creativity, speech, sequencing and so much more. An example could be an “I Like” book. Each page could say “I like….” with a matching picture. SNACK: we eat snack every day, please send you student in with a daily snack EXTRA: please send in extra clothes incase of an emergency or accident *socks are great to have on hand this time of year* IMPORTANT INFO