Closing the Gap? Critical perspectives of the implementation of Indigenous self-determination in health policy. Madeline E News Nura Gili, Centre for Indigenous Programs Postgraduate Research Symposium Presentation
Closing the Gap? Critical perspectives of the implementation of Indigenous self-determination in health policy. Objective: This research will explore the implementation of ‘Indigenous self- determination’ in health policy. Research Aim: The overarching aim of this research is to explore the factors that influence the implementation of Indigenous self-determination in health policy. Research Approach: This research will use a qualitative case study methodology, and consult decolonising methodologies throughout the research. Research design: The proposed research will follow a qualitative case study design. Involving a selection of case studies of existing Indigenous health policies that are being actively implemented or have been implemented in the past. Case studies will be guided by; a critical review of existing literature, in-depth semi-structured interviews, and observational fieldwork. Significance of research: This research will identify opportunities; 1) to strengthen the implementation of Indigenous self-determination as a mechanism for improving health disparities, and 2) to enable Indigenous self-determination to be effectively translated from policy into practice.