On your index card, answer the following two questions. In a paragraph, what was the civil rights movement? What role did Martin Luther King Jr play in this movement? Think of the ways in which prejudice and discrimination affect its victims. If you were going to compare discrimination to something, in a simile or a metaphor, what would you compare it to? Write this simile or metaphor about discrimination down.
On the back of your index card, number 1-12 On the back of your index card, number 1-12. Simply answer yes/no or agree/disagree to the following statements I read aloud.
1. There is more of a racism problem in America today than ten years ago. 2. There is more of a discrimination problem in America today than ten years ago. 3. Racism and discrimination are bigger problems outside of Utah. 4. If you live in the United States, you are entitled to freedom and equality. No matter what. 5. The majority of people hate or feel bitter towards people who treat them unfairly. 6. Peaceful protests are more effective than violent protests. 7. Even when times are difficult, a person should have hope for the future. 8. The 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech is a simple text that drew its power mostly from a passionate delivery. 9. In his speech, Dr. King was addressing an audience of Black people. 10. Dr. King warned his audience not to trust white people. 11. Dr. King’s speech is a call for social change at any cost and by any means. 12. The ‘dream” of King’s 1963 speech came true when the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed by congress.
Close Reading of “I have a dream” speech While you read the speech today, dig a little deeper than usual. While reading, make significant annotations. Such as: Circle words you don’t recognize and then write definitions off to the side Circle loaded language or figurative language – what is it saying? Chunk the text and see if it can be broken into sections Underlines ideals and write why you agree or disagree with its importance