Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Healing – we will be accountable for our actions Acknowledge our mistakes and apologise with sincerity Be compassionate and courageous Do what you say you will do
Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Healing – we will not look to shift blame We will reflect and respond not react (debrief and coach) We will use failure as a learning tool
Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Hospitality – we will be present, attentive and listen to each other We will be visible and present with our people and each other Happy humble human
Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Stewardship – we will recognise the achievements of others Say thank you; make it a habit; explain why you are saying it; smile Empower others to lead and achieve potential Acknowledge work done by others, give credit where due
Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Respect – we will recognise the achievements of others actively involve others in decision-making We will commit to involving the right people in decision making and give them time to contribute
Key Actions to Reinforce Strategic Intent Behaviours Respect – we will be transparent We will be authentic (genuine and consistent) and deliver in a timely manner