The $100,000 a Year Local Online Business Blueprint
What If… Within 30 to 60 Days? You are making more than $10,000 a month in recurring income working part-time. You are able to quit your job and work-from-home and be in control of your time and financial future. You never have to worry about having enough money ever again. While doing something that makes a major difference in the lives of other people.
Local Online Marketing Is Proven To Get You There There’s a secret, though… You’ve been programmed your entire life to fail. Job vs Freedom
Job or Freedom? How a Job Works: How Freedom Works Trade time for money Work hard to “get ahead” Time –> Paid –> Comfortable -> Repeat Cycle How Freedom Works Design system, set it and let it work for you Work smarter improving system so system works for you Time –> Not Paid –> Uncomfortable –> System Takes Over –> Ever Increasing Pay with Less Time –> Exit Cycle
Your Business Model
Your Steps To Freedom Attracting Potential Ideal Clients – People who WANT what you have to offer by giving value upfront. Closing the Deal – Prepare and deliver the Consultative Sales, 1-Page Proposal and Price Proposal. Creating the Project Plan – Create the upfront and monthly plan to deliver results.
Your Steps To Freedom Upfront Deliverables – Doing the 1-time services that come before the monthly services. Monthly Deliverables – Doing the ongoing monthly services. Feedback Loop – Monthly Reports, Recognizing Results and Generating Referrals. Outsourcing, Automation and Systems – Work in your Strengths and Passions and avoid your Weaknesses while creating a Real Business. Going Big – How to create a Million Dollar (or more) a year business.
The Simplified Version Provide Value Get Clients Get Paid Each Month Provide Services Each Month The Good News… almost all of the business can be outsourced over time. A BIG chunk of it immediately using our Super Simple Outsourcing program.
It’s Just 3 Things… Sales Operations Going Big (Systemizing, Automating, Outsourcing and your preferred Go Big method – City/Niche/Percentage) You Make Money In Sales And You Create Wealth in Going Big
More Than One Path To The Promised Land… Different Local Online Models Different Clients Different Service Provider Models Different Revenue Models
More Than One Path To The Promised Land… The Different Local Online Models: Lead Generation Site Rental Service Provider Different Clients: Local National Search Volume Customer Value
More Than One Path To The Promised Land… Different Service Provider Models: One-time services Monthly Services (One monthly service, or a Collection of monthly services) Different Revenue Models: Flat Fee Percentage (or Upfront/Monthly, + Percentage) Monthly (or Upfront + Monthly)
The Local Business Money Machine Model… The fastest way to success is to pick ONE path and follow the system proven to be successful with that path. In this case LESS IS MORE. The clearer you are on who your market is (and who they are not) and what your business model is (and what it is not); the easier and faster you will see success with much less frustration and overwhelm.
The Local Business Money Machine Model… Service Provider Collection of High-Value, High-Return Monthly Services at a Premium Monthly Fee for Local Clients with High Search Volume, High Customer Value EQUALS = You are their Online Marketing Partner. NOT an SEO Company or Webmaster
What City? What Niche? City Factors: Niche Factors: Location to you Size of the city Suburbs Niche Factors: Are people searching online for it? Lifetime Customer Value (LCV) Online Competition Seasonality Knowledge and experience with the niche
Your Ideal Clients… Use your time wisely Not all prospects are equal Focus on customers that are: Already sold on the idea Who have the money Where you will be successful Who will be pleasant to work with
Avoid… Startups -Too many things need to be created from scratch Those who NEED your services but don’t have the money Those who don’t already spend money on advertising Those who don’t already have a website Those who question every move you make
The Client Matrix… Customer Value Search Volume Low Customer Value, Low Search Volume BAD!!! Hair dresser Low Customer Value, High Search Volume OK, but not great. Restaurants High Customer Value, Low Search Volume Better, but not the best. Specialized accountants
Your SWEET Spot… High customer value, high search volume. Examples: House related, cosmetic surgery 1 or 2 customers a month = break even. 3 or 4 customers a month = really nice profit 5, 10, 20 (or more) new customers a month… You SAVED their business and radically changed their life. What they pay you is a HIGH RETURN investment, not an expense.
Other Potential Qualifications… Already have a website Already spending money driving traffic to their website Already has a trained sales staff Has a lot of former customers they don't follow-up with Has no backend Has great reputation with customers Not overly competitive online Next week, BONUS video on my favorite types of local businesses and industries
It’s Just 3 Things… Sales Operations Going Big (Systemizing, Automating, Outsourcing and your preferred Go Big method – City/Niche/Percentage) You Make Money In Sales And You Create Wealth in Going Big
Sales: Prospecting The “Warm Methods” The “Cold Methods” Already Established Relationship (You or Somebody You Know) The “Cold Methods” You (or Somebody You Know) Does Not Know Them
Sales: Consultative Selling In Person, Phone, Webinar, Outsources Sales People Opportunity Research 15 minutes Consultative Sales Presentation 20 to 45 minutes One Page Proposal 10 to 30 minutes Price 10 to 20 minutes
Operations: New Client Project Plan Getting Started Month 1 Month 2 Ongoing Months What’s Being Done and Who Is Doing Them (Ideally All Outsourced)
Operations: Upfront Deliverables Keyword Research Competition Research Update Website Optimize Website Email List Builder
Operations: Monthly Deliverables Local Search Local Directories Articles Videos Bookmarking Web 2.0 content Classified Ads Forum Links Local Links Add-on Services
You repeat the Monthly Deliverables which can become easy, guaranteed income!
Monthly Feedback Rankings Traffic Leads Referrals
Referrals take you BACK to Prospecting and additional income generation.
Go Big with 3 Wealth-Creating Actions Outsource Automate Systematize
8 Proven Client Getting Systems Outsourcing Operations The Rest of the Weekly Modules Focus On What Will Make You The Most Money, The Fastest And Turns Into The Greatest Long-Term Wealth… 8 Proven Client Getting Systems Outsourcing Operations Also Show You How To Do All Of Them Turning This Into a Wealth Creation Machine For Yourself.
What will it take to get you to your goal? ACTION! (A Universal Trait Among 100% of Our Successful Members – They Took Action and Never Considered Quitting an Option!)