Creative Writing Using Metaphors Assessment Name: Date: Class:
Today’s Objective: Students will demonstrate understanding of adding graphics, text, and using metaphors to PowerPoint by completing a short fictional story. Eighth Grade Directions Choose 4 of the following topics. Write a short story about the topic then delete the instructions. Make sure to add an appropriate picture. Each story is worth 25 points. Good Luck!
Imagine that you are given the power to make any one of your dreams come true. Which dream would you choose? Write about the dream that is most important to you and why you would most want it to come true.
If you could go to space at some point in your life, what would you most like to see or experience? Choose anything in the universe and write about it—whether or not it would be realistic for a person to travel there!
What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you? Write about your experience and be sure to describe how you felt during and after the event.
What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you What is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to you? Write about your experience and be sure to describe how you felt during and after the event.
Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met Who is the most interesting person you’ve ever met? Describe what makes him or her so interesting and what you think of his or her life.
What is the #1 goal you hope to achieve in middle school What is the #1 goal you hope to achieve in middle school? Why is it so important to you?