Framework for Project Interventions Livelihoods Skill building Food Security Assetization and Income Generation Access to financial services Fair terms.


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Presentation transcript:

Framework for Project Interventions Livelihoods Skill building Food Security Assetization and Income Generation Access to financial services Fair terms of trade Social Mobilization Role of BRLPS Mobilization, capacity building Bank Linkage Partnerships Innovation in rural livelihoods Entitlements & Accountability Access to information Accountability of services Participation in local government Investment in self-sustaining institutions and federations of the poor Participatory targeting Social and economic capital Generating voice and scale

Organizing the Poor. What are the Impacts? Disorganized Poor Groups with assets, skills and scale Goal: 1. List Observable Impacts 2. Identify Measurable Indicators or Proxies Project mobilizes them into groups and builds their capacity Generates Impacts: e.g., groups have: 1. Social Capital (e.g. voice) 2. Financial Capital (e.g. savings, credit) 3. Human Capital (e.g. skills for book- keeping, micro planning)

Groups with Assets, Skills and Scale Engage in Livelihoods Development Activities Goal: 1.List all Outputs and Impacts 2.Identify Relevant Indicators E.g. Economic development Community procurement centers; Conservation Agriculture Marketing centers Human development Nutrition Centers; Social Development Campaign against dowry, child marriage, alcohol

Market Government Private Companies SHGs Sub-District Level Federations District Level Federations Village Organizations SHGs Changed terms of engagement Ecosystem Dynamics. What are the impacts? e.g. NREGA, SGSY e.g. groups as franchisees for companies e.g. access to credit at a competitive interest rate Goal: 1.List changes in (business) processes/ models triggered by presence of groups 2.Identify relevant impacts and Indicators

Consolidated database of core indicators across projects (start with India, scale to regional) Source of up-to-date data for advocacy, policy discussion, etc. Should be easily to access, query, and update Indentify core indicators needed to cover spectrum of livelihoods objectives Ultimately: A paper/series of products highlighting IMPACT of livelihoods, especially telling the story of aggregate impact. This will inform current investments and support to the national livelihoods mission

Crop Agriculture What have core livelihoods projects invested in crop agriculture What are we measuring to determine impact? productivity, production per capita, market turnover? how are we measuring this How are we supporting institutions, technical inputs, market access, etc.? Ultimately: paper/series of products explaining aggregate impact on crop agriculture of livelihoods projects, and identifying areas of needed focus. This will inform how we integrate the agenda of livelihoods and agriculture

Livestock What have core livelihoods projects invested in livestock In what are we investing? What animals: buffalo, cattle, poultry, goats, etc. What production: dairy, hides, meat, etc.? What supporting systems: fodder development, para-vets, AI What are we measuring to determine impact? How are we supporting institutions, technical inputs, market access, etc.? Ultimately: paper/series of products outlining livelihoods impact in livestock sector, with one focus product on dairy development. This will inform national rural livelihoods mission and planned livestock/dairy development operations.