ITCA Meeting December 2, 2007 OSEP Early Childhood Conference Federal Update ITCA Meeting December 2, 2007 OSEP Early Childhood Conference
110th Congress 1st session expected to adjourn in December – back from Thanksgiving break tomorrow Small majority in House and Senate makes passage of legislation difficult Veto climate Must complete all appropriations bills A number of reauthorizations pending some from previous Congresses Numerous bills also under consideration Upcoming 2008 election is a significant variable
Pending Bills Significant to Children and Families SCHIP Reauthorization Head Start Reauthorization No Child Left Behind Reauthorization Higher Education Act Reauthorization Mental Health Parity Medicaid SAMHSA Reauthorization Developmental Disabilities Reauthorization NIH Reauthorization
Other Legislation Under Consideration Related to the war Electronic surveillance Toy safety and food safety Infrastructure Energy Bacterial infection Medicare Mortgage crisis
OSERS Appointment President Bush has nominate Tracy Ralph Justesen as Assistant Secretary for OSERS Currently Deputy Director of the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Research Was at Justice Dept and White House in Domestic Policy
FY 2008 Federal Appropriations President vetoed the Labor, HHS, Education bill that was $9.8 billion higher than President’s Budget request House was 2 votes short of over-riding the bill Bill includes a $153.6 million increase for Head Start, a $32.5 million increase for Child Care and freeze for IDEA preschool New Continuing Resolution runs until December 14, 2007 Negotiations may result in cuts
Senate recommended an increase ($436,400-$450,000) IDEA Part C Funding President recommended a $13 million cut Senate recommended an increase ($436,400-$450,000) House recommended a freeze at current level Conference bill included a $6.8 million increase
IDEA Part B Update Technical Edits Published October 30, 2007 Multi Year IEP Demo- Request for Applications Due February 11, 2008 Paperwork Waiver Demo- Request for Applications Due February 11, 2008
Part C Regulations Proposed Regulations Posted to Federal Register- May 9 2007, 2 years after IDEA took effect on July 1, 2005 Comment period on NPRM closed July 23, 2007 Received over 3,500 comments LRP article quoted Ruth Ryder that they are “hoping to have something out in final by the summer, maybe late summer.”
President’s Proposals for Medicaid Cut federal Medicaid spending by at least $45 billion in the next 10 years ’08 budget includes proposals to cut Medicaid and make changes to the program’s provisions Includes changes related to rehabilitation, administrative claiming and transportation as well as targeted case management changes to Medicaid reimbursement
Medicaid Update NPRM on reimbursement for rehabilitation – Administration says will save $2.29 b. in 5 years- Comments closed 10/12/07 NPRM on transportation and administrative claiming – Administration says will save $3.6 b in 5 years- Comments closed 11/6/07 NPRM on targeted case management to be released this week Various moratorium efforts underway in the Congress
SCHIP Reauthorization October 3 - President Bush vetoed the first State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) reauthorization bill House tried unsuccessfully (needed 13 more votes) to over-ride veto H.R. 976. Senate had a veto proof margin House and Senate passed a revised bill President promises to veto Bipartisan Congressional efforts push for a compromise the President will sign
SCHIP – Next Steps Currently the program continues under the CR that expires December 14, 2007 At Thanksgiving recess, efforts to find a compromise are at a stalemate Consideration of a year-long extension until Set 30, 2008 at current level Up to 21 stares to experience shortfalls if extension lasts all year
Head Start Reauthorization The House passed the Conference Report for “Improving Head Start for School Readiness Act of 2007 by a vote of 381 to 36. The Senate passed the bill by 95 to 0. The President is expected to sign into law in December
Head Start Requires at least one full-time infant and toddler specialist in every state and ensures training in infant and toddler development for all Early Head Start teachers. Increases credentials in Early Head Start centers. Requires State Advisory Councils on Early Education and Care across programs 0-6 The final bill eliminates the National Reporting System (NRS).