Harmony In Your Unit
The Basics of Leadership From the beginning, at Installation… “Always remember that the welfare and success of this Unit depend upon you. Therefore I would remind you of the obligation which every American Legion Auxiliary member assumes, the obligation of preserving the integrity of The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary…”
Personal & Professional Integrity Members and volunteers shall conduct their personal and professional lives in a manner befitting the organization’s mission and values, recognizing that their actions reflect upon the creditability and reputation of the American Legion Auxiliary.
Responsible Stewardship The officers, staff and volunteers of the American Legion Auxiliary are responsible for properly managing and preserving assets.
The Most Effective Leaders: Define acceptable behavior Focus on the situation, not the person Listen carefully Identify the issue Develop a plan to address the issue Resolve the issue in a timely manner View conflict as an opportunity
Thank you for being here today! We are blessed to have many capable and caring leaders in our Department. Many of them are here today. Please feel free to ask questions and to contact any of us if you have future questions.