Ibanez expands accessory lineup!!
Strings Electric Guitars (6/7/8 str. ), For.. Electric Guitars (6/7/8 str. ), Electric Basses (4/5/6 str. +miKro), Acoustic Guitars/Basses, Classical guitars, Ukulele, Banjo See details on price list Price ex) IEGS61 El.Guitar 6 str., Regular light (.010/.013/.017/.026/.036/.046) List: € 4,90
Capos IGC10 For Electric and Acoustic Guitars IGCZ10 List: € 15,50 IGCZ10 For Electric and Acoustic Guitars List: € 11,- IUC10 For Ukulele List: € 14,40
Foot Rests/ Music Chairs IFR100W Wooden Body List: € 32,30 IFR50M Metal Body List: € 11,- IMC50FS Foldable Chair w/ Guitar Stand List: € 52,30
Cables More Competitive Line-up and Pricing Price ex) APC10 Mid price models featuring Amphenol or Switchcraft plugs Price ex) APC10 10 ft (3.05m) with Amphenol plugs SCC10 10 ft (3.05m) with Switchcraft plugs List: € 31,- List: € 27,70
Cables More Competitive Line-up and Pricing Price ex) New pricing on Low-end cables Price ex) STC10 10 ft (3.05m) List: € 7,70 Unique model DSC04LLR Patch cable with L+L(Reversed) plugs
Cases/Bags Foamed cases for Classical Guitar, Ukulele Price ex) FS31CL for Classical Guitars List: € 65,60 IGB924-BK POWERPAD ULTRA Gig Bag for El. Guitar List: € 76,70
Picks Pick Box To push more Ibanez picks into stores.. List: EUR 100,- 1Box=12 Assortment package (12models x 25pcs = 300pcs) PICK BOX SIZE : 195 x 130 x 35mm
Straps Black & White Modern Design Straps Price ex) GSD50-P3 Panther List: € 9,90 GSF50-BK/RD POWERPAD Strap List: € 6,20
Guitar Stands Foldable Multi Guitar Stands For 3pcs/ 5pcs guitars STX3EA for 3 El./Ac. guitars Professional Guitar Stand by TAMA List: € 38,90 839 RMAP…€ 69.00 PGS32AC Foldable Acoustic Guitar Stand List: €12,20
Others IGC100 Micro Fiber Guitar Cloth IFT10 Finger Trainer IML21 List: €4,40 IFT10 Finger Trainer List: €13,30 IML21 Music Clip Light List: €14,40 IMSB10 Multi Purpose Accessory Bag List: €35,60
All of them come with integrated packages
Ibanez accessories will follow!! More new Ibanez accessories will follow!!
Thank you!!!