Compare Two Short Stories NOW! 1. Topic Sentence: Identify one major point of comparison. 2. Point that is found in both texts Evidence and explanation from 1st text Evidence and explanation from 2nd text 3. Conclusion: That restates similarity and acknowledges differences (evaluative comment)
ISU – Presentation Postponed Monday, March 2nd There was a bit of miscommunication and people taking advantage of my kindness. The presentations will now be on Monday, March 2nd. Everyone must be prepared to present on that Monday (even if we don’t get through to everyone). If you are absent without a medical certificate (for you or for a family member), a court order, or an official letter from an organization as to the reason for your absent, you will receive a mark of zero (0). In addition: Short Stories will not be accepted after Wednesday, February 25th. Late penalties will still apply after this period.
What are your initial thoughts of the characters so far? To know what makes a Shakespearean tragedy. To understand how the characters are developed at the beginning of the play that foreshadows how the play will be a tragedy. To be able to write notes about the play thus far in how the characterization, themes, symbols and any other figures of speech are used to develop the plot. Tragedy, Characterization, Hamartia, Anti-Hero, Conflict
To know what makes a Shakespearean tragedy. What makes a Shakespearean tragedy? What elements are usually present?
Shakespearean Tragedy: Some Key Recurring Elements This is a list of some key recurring elements: this doesn’t mean they are all the same or that these elements appear in all tragedies! A flawed hero or anti-hero: one with noble qualities to inspire admiration, but with key character flaws or an error of judgment that draws pity. In Aristotelian ideas of tragedy this flaw is called the ‘Hamartia’. A lot of death- Usually ends with the death of one/all of the characters (in Hamlet, for example, four die in the final scene). Conflict & revenge- This can be both internal conflict & conflict with others and usually ends with an attempt at revenge or with the hero/anti-hero being avenged by others. Isolation- The hero is often, or becomes, isolated from all others in the play.
To be able to write notes about the play thus far in how the characterization, themes, symbols and any other figures of speech are used to develop the plot. Act 1, Sc. 1 Write down all the ways that Othello is described in this scene (quote directly). 2. What impression do we get of him from Iago’s comments of Othello? 3. From Iago’s comments how might we indirectly characterize Iago? 4. What types of language is used about Desdemona and Othello? 5. Who is Brabantio? How is the news conveyed to Brabantio, and how is it received? 6. What is the setting of this scene?
After reading Act 1, Sc. 2 note down: To be able to write notes about the play thus far in how the characterization, themes, symbols and any other figures of speech are used to develop the plot. After reading Act 1, Sc. 2 note down: How does Shakespeare choose portray Othello in this scene? (Make a point) What is it about his language that reveals this? (Pick at least 2 key quotations) How does this complicate our ideas of him from 1, 1? (explore/analyse) Success Criteria: Identify any literary terms and/or figures of speech in the quotation. What was Shakespreare’s intentions? In bullet-point form notes; however, complete thoughts. Tragedy, Characterization, Hamartia, Anti-Hero, Conflict
What do you think could happen in this scene? To understand how the characters are developed at the beginning of the play that foreshadows how the play will be a tragedy. To be able to write notes about the play thus far in how the characterization, themes, symbols and any other figures of speech are used to develop the plot. Act 1, Sc. 3 [Predictions] Othello is to be brought forward before the Duke- both because Brabantio wants him to answer for ‘stealing away’ Desdemona & because the Turks are invading. What do you think could happen in this scene? What do we expect from the character of Desdemona? Tragedy, Characterization, Hamartia, Anti-Hero, Conflict
Act 1, Sc. 3- Key Scene 1 Act 1, Sc. 3 Characters- Othello, Brabantio, Duke, Desdemona, Iago, Roderigo, First Senator, Second Senator, Sailor, Officer, Messenger (Who’s Emilia?) As we read & discuss, make notes & think about: The effect of Othello’s speeches Shakespeare’s use of imagery in Othello & Brabantio’s speeches Desdemona’s character & the differences between her language/character & Othello’s. Othello & Desdemona’s relationship/love Iago’s ideas on love & how Shakespeare uses these to separate/isolate his character. Iago’s soliloquy and what this reveals about his motives and character.
Act 1, Sc. 3- Analysing Othello’s Speeches Speech 1- Lines 76-94 Speech 2- Lines 127- 169 Success Criteria- -Summarize the situation in these speeches. -What is the characterization of Othello based on these speeches? Reflect on the tone and imagery used? -What does the speech reveal to us about Othello’s nature and attitude towards love? Challenge: Can you identify a figure of speech (i.e., scheme or trope) from either of those speeches
Desdemona (lines 178-187 & lines 245-256) What do these speeches reveal to us about Desdemona’s character? How are her ideas about love portrayed? How is her language & tone different to Othello? Iago (lines 315-328 & lines 374-395) What do these speeches reveal to us about Iago’s character? How is his attitude to love portrayed? How would the reader possibly respond to the ideas in his soliloquy? Brabantio (lines 94-106) What ideas around female desire & expectations of women are revealed by this speech? Language Shifts The Duke’s language switches between poetry and prose. Look at lines 200-207, which are rhyming couplets. Why would Shakespeare use that here? He quickly then moves onto speaking in prose. Why so sudden a shift?
Othello Essay 1 ‘In Act 1, Othello is presented as a romantic, noble hero who commands the stage.’ Discuss this statement with reference to Shakespeare’s presentation of Othello in Act 1. Focus on Language, form & structure Discuss & analyse each scene Ensure that you analyse how Shakespeare uses the ideas & language of others (Iago, Roderigo, Brabantio, Desdemona, the Duke) to portray Othello. Also, pay close attention to how Shakespeare portrays him through own language & actions.
Othello- our impressions so far From what you have heard about him, what he says of himself and how you imagine he might appear in a stage production, choose 5 descriptions below that best summarise your view of him so far. an untrustworthy stranger a worthy soldier a calm, measured, statesman-like man a man of high principles an exotic figure; dangerous & unreliable an exotic & attractive figure a highly respected leader a man for whom sexual desire is paramount a man who has earned high office because of his virtues a man with enemies.