Grade 7 -español Objectives: Grammar concepts: •Describe yourself and others ◦The verb Ser to describe what someone is like •Identify people and things ◦Definite and indefinite articles •Talk about daily schedules ◦Noun-adjective agreement •Ask and tell time ◦The verb Tener and tener que •Say what you have and have to do ◦Expressions of frequency •Say what things you do and how often you do things ◦Present tense of –arverbs •Describe classes and classroom objects ◦The verb Estar •Say where things are located ◦The conjugated verb before the subjects for questions •Say where you are going ◦The verb Ir •Talk about how you feel ◦Interrogative words •Talk about foods and beverages ◦The verb Gustar with nouns •Ask questions ◦Present tense of –erand –ir verbs •Say which foods you like and don’t like ◦The verb Hacer