Project’s general presentation ERIES Project’s general presentation “Implementation of the EU methodology for statistics on cultural employment and cultural expenditure” « Public expenditure and finance in the EU »
Preliminary comments Within the framework of the survey “Implementation of the EU methodology for statistics on cultural employment and cultural expenditure” (grant: 200234100001), the French Minister of Culture and Communication is in charge of making a survey on public expenditure for culture in the European countries. In agreement with Eurostat, it decided to delegate a part of the work concerning the cultural expenditure and finance to a consulting firm : ERIES and its director, Didier Martin.
Objectives The survey entrusted to Eries aims to the extention of the work undertaken by the Task Force to all the countries. The mains objectives of that work are : To test the common framework of harmonized data production regarding cultural expenditure and finance produced and tested by the Task Force in seven countries. To have a precise inventory of national statistics systems as well as a precise idea of their capability to respond to the demands of harmonized data production. To examine the possibilities of implementation of the procedures of data collection in order to be able to produce regularly comparable data on the public expenditure for the culture.
Procedure Countries are invited to provide data on public expenditure for culture for 2000 as indicated in the attached questionnaire and as defined in the attached Guide Lines by the 10th of November 2003. The present survey is following the report by the Task Force Cultural Expenditure and Finance in which the scope of culture, first results as well as a description of the statistics on cultural expenditure of the countries participating in the Task Force Cultural Expenditure and Finance were described. That report was presented as agenda item 4 at the last Working Group on Cultural Statistics held in Luxembourg in September 2002. The results will presented in the next meeting of the Task Force planned in January 2004 . The final draft of the final report will then be presented in the next Working Group on Cultural Statistics in March 2004.
Calendar Phase 1 : Send and reception of results. Phase 2 : Compilation of results and composition of the final report. Phase 1 Phase 2 Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Fev
Additional documents Documents sent by ERIES: The Questionnaire ( National Report and Matrix). The Guide Lines. The Project’s general presentation (Present Document).
Team/Resources ERIES Efectifs: Didier Martin (Director), Alfonso Ponce (Chief project) Synthetic references on Cultural policies : French Minister of Culture: The missions of the regional and departmental associations of musical devlopement (ARDMC and ADDMC) European Union (DGX), Spanish, french and dutch ministers of culture, Art council of England. Audit on the association « Pépinières européennes pour jeunes artistes » French National Center for cinematography: Film Patrimonial politics in the Eu countries, the USA and Mexico. Musée du Louvre: - Realisation of a multilingual electronic glossary of key-words. European Union (DG XIII) Direction of the European project “RDCE”. Spoken Languages: French, English, German, Spanish and Italian. - Contact: For all questions you could meet: ERIES 33, Boulevard Phillipe Auguste – 75011 PARIS Tél: (33-1) 43 40 22 00 or mail to Didier Martin or Alfonso Ponce