Forbidden List
Forbidden List Reminder #1 Do not use past tense verbs – only present tense is acceptable when talking about literature (use past only when discussing history) Never: Winston told Julia she was a rebel from the waist down. Fix: Winston tells Julia she is a rebel from the waist down.
Forbidden List Reminder #2 Be formal in your language Do not use contractions (dont) Do not use 1 st or 2 nd person pronouns: I, me, my, we, us, you, your, youre Do not use slang, clichés, idioms – they are too informal for an essay Never: I believe that Winston couldnt possibly survive after the end of the novel because he probably kicked the bucket because of his rebellion. Fix: Winston could not survive after the end of the novel because they Party must vaporize him for his rebellion.
Forbidden List Reminder #3 Do not use indefinite pronouns because they are unclear and could confuse the reader. Examples of indefinite pronouns: this, that, these, those, it Never: The Party smashed it before arresting Winston and Julia. Fix: The Party smashed the paperweight before arresting Winston and Julia.
Forbidden List Reminder #4 Do not use simplistic word choice. If you sound like Dr. Seuss, its time to get out the thesaurus. Be very careful of choosing the right word to substitute in for the original word. Some words have similar but not exact meanings. Some words are too antiquated. Be careful to not have bloated diction, which is where a writer includes too many complex words.
Forbidden List Reminder #5 Do not use to be verbs (is, are, was, were, become) – an easy fix is to substitute a stronger, active verb Never: Winston is pondering what it would be like to live inside it (note: Im making many errors) Fix: Winston ponders life inside the paperweight (see how I fixed all of that)
Forbidden List Reminder #6 Do not use predicate adjectives. This is when you describe the subject with an adjective, but you place the adjective after the verb. Never: Winston is fearful of the Party. Fix: Winston fears the Party (I changed the adjective into a verb)
Forbidden List Reminder #7 *Do not use passive voice construction. This is when a writer puts the subject at the end of the sentence, instead of the beginning. Look for a to be verb and by. Never: Winston is manipulated by OBrien. Fix: OBrien manipulates Winston.
Question about infinitives Infinitives are unconjugated verbs. You may use them in your writing, except for to be Never: Winston wishes to be a rebel against the Party. (to be verb used here) Fix: Winston wishes to rebel against the Party. (you can say to rebel)