The Biosphere I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
The biosphere- is the sum of all the Earth’s Ecosystems I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Biosphere Biome Ecosystem Community Population Organism I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
What’s the difference between a community and Ecosystem? I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Ecosystem- composed of living communities and nonliving physical and chemical factors I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Biotic factors- all organisms I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Abiotic Factors- things that influence the biosphere that are not or have never been alive I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Work with your neighbor to come up with 3 abiotic factors. I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Bodies of water I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Energy I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Energy from Nuclear Fission in the Earth’s core
Nutrients & Minerals I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Atmospheric Gasses and Phenomena
Climates influence the distribution of terrestrial communities I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
What’s the difference between climate and weather? I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Earth’s climate patterns are determined by: The input of Solar energy The planets movement in space I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Solar radiation varies with latitude Most climatic variations are due to the uneven heating of Earth’s surface I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Predict what part of the world (latitude) has the most life. I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
North Pole 60°N Low angle of incoming sunlight 30°N Tropic of Cancer Sunlight strikes most directly 0° (equator) Tropic of Capricorn 30°S Figure 34.5A How solar radiation varies with latitude. Low angle of incoming sunlight 60°S South Pole Atmosphere
The Earth’s tilt causes the seasons June solstice (Northern Hemisphere tilts toward sun) March equinox (equator faces sun directly) December solstice (Northern Hemisphere tilts away from sun) Figure 34.5B How Earth’s tilt causes the seasons. Constant tilt of 23.5° September equinox
Uneven heating causes rain and winds I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
What is Convection? I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Descending dry air absorbs moisture Descending dry air absorbs Ascending moist air releases moisture Trade winds Trade winds Figure 34.5C How uneven heating causes rain and winds. Doldrums 0° 23.5° 23.5° 30° 30° Temperate zone Tropics Temperate zone
Prevailing wind patterns Prevailing wind patterns In the tropics the winds blow from east to west In temperate zones, the winds blow from west to east 30°N 60°N Student Misconceptions and Concerns 1. Students may confuse the terms ecology and environmentalism. The science of ecology and the environmental issues that it often raises are related but distinct processes. Teaching Tips 1. Module 34.5 discusses the reasons why Earth’s tilt causes seasons. Consider challenging your students, perhaps as a short in-class activity, to explain why it is typically cooler (a) further away from the equator, and (b) during the winter months. Although you may not want to use class time on this activity every year, collecting student responses before your students read or learn about this in class can reveal misconceptions and areas of misunderstanding that will help direct your teaching for years to come. 30°S 60°S Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
Ocean Currents- created by wind, density, planet rotation, location of continents I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Warm or Cool Coastal areas I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
location of mountains Rainfall is affected by: Wind East direction Pacific Ocean Rain shadow Desert Sierra Nevada Coast Range I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Rainfall is affected by: Prevailing winds I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Ocean Currents Rainfall is affected by: I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Driest place on Earth Atacama Desert I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
Write Summary and Left Side Questions I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.
1. Put the following terms in order from smallest to largest: A. biome, biosphere, community, ecosystem, organism, population B. ecosystem, organism, biome, population, community, biosphere C. community, biosphere, organism, biome, ecosystem, population D. organism, population, community, ecosystem, biome, biosphere
2. Which of the following is not a biotic factor in an ecosystem? A. decomposer B. flower C. sunlight D. Autotroph E. an echinoderm
3. A= True B= False Factors such as climate, ocean currents, and precipitation would fall under the category of biome.
4. A= True B= False All life on Earth requires energy from the sun.
5 The Earth’s season are created by A. It is winter when we are further from the sun and summer when it is closer to the sun. B. The Earth’s tilt as we revolve around the sun C. The rotation of the Earth on its axis
6 6. Complete the statement: As one moves farther from the equator the temperature tends to _____________. A. increase B. decrease C. Stay the Same
7 7. As elevation increases temperature tends to ____________ A. Increase B. Decrease C. Stay the same.
8 Predict which location you would expect to be warmest year round? Place A at 1oN Place B at 30oN Place C at 60oS Place D at 60oN
9 Predict which would have a warmer ocean current. A B C C A B
10 What does an ecosystem include that a community does not? A. Biotic factors B. Global wind patterns C. multiple individuals D. abiotic factors such as water
a I will be able to list the components of the biosphere, and explain how global factors affect the biosphere.