February 19 March 2008 Project: IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) Submission Title: RFID-SG Closing Report for Orlando, March 2008 Date Submitted: March 20, 2008 Source: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Contact: Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company Voice: E-Mail: michael.d.mcinnis@boeing.com Re: RFID-SG Closing Report for March 2008 Session Abstract: Closing Report for the RFID-SG Session in Orlando, Florida. Purpose: To investigate forming an RFID ultra-low energy tag, sensor, and reader/transceiver PHY and MAC Study Group. Notice: This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein. Release: The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
2nd Meeting as a Study Group March 2008 IEEE 802.15 RFID-SG Closing Report 2nd Meeting as a Study Group Orlando, Florida 20 March 2008 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Meeting Overview in Orlando, Florida March 2008 IEEE 802.15 RFID Study Group Meeting Overview in Orlando, Florida RFID-IG Volunteer Chair: M. McInnis 2. Two each 2-hour time slots were allocated during this session. 3. Attendance: Approx. 35 attendees in Monday PM2 slot. Approx. 29 attendees in Thursday AM1 slot. 4. Relative Documents: 15-08-0137-01-rfid-RFID-Agenda-March-2008 15-08-0138-02-rfid-RFID-SG-Opening-Introduction-March-2008 15-08-0089-02-rfid-RFID-Study-Group-Call-for-Contributions.doc 15-08-0207-00-rfid-RFID-SG-Minutes-Orlando-March-2008.doc Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Potential Opportunity March 2008 Potential Opportunity This RFID SG offers a project opportunity for the development of a PAR and 5 Criteria toward drafting a standard PHY and MAC for RFID ultra-low energy tags and sensors which may fill a gap in wireless applications which reside anywhere between passive RFID tags and current IEEE 802.15 low-energy low-bit rate wireless standards. This is not addressed elsewhere, such as in EPCglobal or ISO. Specific problem areas include; ambiguous radio definitions, lack of co-existence, excessive handshakes with controller or network (impacts energy consumption), proprietary implementations, and insufficient security. The Study Group will define the required co-ordination needed with groups such as the IEEE, the EPCglobal group, ISO/IEC, and others. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Objective of the IEEE 802.15 RFID the Study Group February 19 March 2008 Objective of the IEEE 802.15 RFID the Study Group Determine whether there is sufficient participation from the RFID industry in drafting the PAR and Five Criteria documents required to become a Task Group for the purpose of developing a passive, semi-passive, or active RFID ultra-low energy tag and sensor PHY and/or MAC draft standard which would have; Broad applicability Is a unique solution for a problem Is substantially different from other IEEE 802 Standards. Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Meeting Achievements Discussed the RFID SG direction. March 2008 Meeting Achievements Discussed the RFID SG direction. No presentations were made during this meeting session but several potential presentation authors have expressed intent to present during the May 2008 meeting in Jacksonville. The RFID SG Call for Contributions (CFC) document was substantially revised to remove a perceived limitation in CFC scope and to add more topics to help guide presenters on the type of information which is being sought. A motion was made within the RFID Study Group to extend the RFID Study Group for four months. The motion carried with a vote of: 13/0/0 Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company
Motion to 802.15 Working Group March 2008 Motion to 802.15 Working Group Move that 802.15 WG extend the RFID Study Group for four more months in order to develop a PAR and 5 Criteria for a draft standard for a PHY and/or MAC targeting RFID and low energy sensor applications. Moved: Mike McInnis Seconded: Y/N/A Mike McInnis, The Boeing Company