Water Information System for Europe (WISE) State-of-Play Joint Workshop on WFD + UWWD Reporting Brussels, 20/21 October 2005 Joachim D’Eugenio European Commission, DG Environment Unit D.2 – Water and Marine, WFD Team
Contents Introduction - reporting WISE – developing an idea WISE - first operational steps WISE – current situation WISE - Implementation Plan 2006-2010
Commission Reporting: current situation Legislation to be repealed by the WFD Date of repeal Exchange of Information Decision (77/795/EEC) 2007 Surface Water Directive (75/440/EEC amended by 79/869/EEC) 2007 Freshwater Fish Directive (78/659/EEC) 2013 Shellfish Waters Directive (79/923/EEC) 2013 Groundwater Directive (80/68/EEC) 2013 Dangerous Substances Directive (76/464/EEC) 2013 Legislation remaining in force Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC) Bathing Water Directive (76/160/EEC) Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) Drinking Water Directive (98/83/EC) Legal transposition of the Directive (i.e. has the Directive been transposed into Member States’ legislation); Compliance with the provisions of the Directive (e.g. does Drinking Water quality meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Directive); Practical implementation of the Directive (how have the requirements of the Directive been implemented in the Member States); and Effectiveness of the Directive (i.e. is the Directive achieving what was intended when it was adopted)
WFD Reporting Obligations Subject Article Report due date Frequency/ Review List of competent authorities 3.8/Annex I 22/06/04 3 months after change Characterisation of RBD human activity/ economic analysis 5, 15.2, 22/03/05 22/12/13, every 6 years thereafter Monitoring programmes 8, 15.2 22/03/07 RBMP 15.1 22/03/10 22/12/15, every 6 years thereafter Register of Protected Areas 6 Progress on implementation of programme of measures 11, 15.3 Within 3 years of publication of RBMP
Future reporting needs on water Marine policy Flood risk management Links to other policy areas (eg. IPPC, soil, air, …) Climate change and water policy Legal transposition of the Directive (i.e. has the Directive been transposed into Member States’ legislation); Compliance with the provisions of the Directive (e.g. does Drinking Water quality meet the requirements of the Drinking Water Directive); Practical implementation of the Directive (how have the requirements of the Directive been implemented in the Member States); and Effectiveness of the Directive (i.e. is the Directive achieving what was intended when it was adopted)
Current situation Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Information Users Information Data treatment
Introducing WISE Water Information System for Europe (WISE) developed and agreed through concept paper New, innovative approach for water reporting phasing out the existing, inefficient paper-based reporting One conceptual approach fulfilling several purposes/needs Aims at developing the water component in a wider system of environmental reporting
WISE aims Efficient management of all water-related information on EU level Coherence between various reporting mechanisms and needs Access to information / data for various purposes and needs
Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection Common vision Intern. Conv. M S Public EEA COM Member States Data Information Users Useful Information Data treatment / aggregation Compliance checking Policy Effectiveness SoE Trends An. Purposes for reporting Drivers for data collection
Wider environmental reporting Contribution to other initiatives: Standardised reporting directive – revision under discussion INSPIRE – Commission proposal adopted Processes under other directives/policies (e.g. IPPC-EPER and PRTR) Support from the highest levels: Discussion and support in EPRG (Environmental Policy Review Group – MS Environmental Director Generals) Endorsement by Water Directors
Common objective The EU bodies (DG ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) and EU25 Member States, Norway, Bulgaria and Romania agreed on the Water Directors’ meeting in November 2003 the: “Development of a new, comprehensive, shared European data and information management system for water, including river basins (WISE). The system should be based on the concept paper and should be fully implemented by 2010”
What is WISE? The “Water Information System for Europe” is: an idea/vision (2002) a concept (2003) – concept paper published on internet a process (2003 …) – Working Group D on Reporting a co-operation (between EU bodies and MS) a set of tools (GIS, prototype, RTD, …) an internet and “single entry” portal ( wise.jrc.cec.eu.int ) a definition of reporting requirements a gateway for (public) information
Water Information System for Europe WISE elements Water Information System for Europe WISE concept Process Tools Components WISE reporting sheets WISE prototype WISE RTD web WISE Compliance (WFD, UWWD, others) WG Reporting (WFD, UWWD, others) WISE GIS WISE GIS experts Reference data WISE / EIONET Water
WISE scope All water-related information linked to EU water policy WFD, UWWT, Nitrates, Bathing Waters and Drinking Water Directives Marine Strategy and Flood Action Programmes. Eionet-Water Relevant water research projects. Link to international organisations (rivers/marine) Provides the geo-referencing for data an important building block for INSPIRE. Proposed timetable Available to the public in 2006 Fully operational by 2010.
WISE state-of-play Input prototype online (http://wise.jrc.cec.eu.int) WFD reporting 2004 and 2005 (Art. 3+5) defined, 2007 reporting guidance under development WFD 2004 reporting tool online, 2005 tool testing finalised 18 MS completed WISE reporting 2004, several MS have submitted 2005 data as part of testing Screening studies completed to integrate other databases – UWWT and intercalibration WISE GIS tools under development
WISE state-of-play WISE Implementation Plan 2006-2010 currently under preparation Most important document to lay down the roadmap for water-related information and data-sharing Document is to clarify and agree on “who does what on European level“ (internal character) Final document can be used to ensure engagement from Member States (external character) Three step process for WISE development
WISE current Now Member states WISE prototype Map Server Member states EOINET water Water base Member states
WISE vision - 2006 Now 2006 Member states WISE prototype Map Server EOINET water Water base Member states 2006 Member states WISE prototype Member states Access protocols Member states State of env’ment Member states WISE public Member states Inter calibrat’n Member states Member states Urban WWD Member states
WISE vision - 2010 Now 2006 2010 Member states WISE prototype Map Server Member states Member states EOINET water Water base Member states 2006 Member states WISE prototype Member states Access protocols Member states State of env’ment Member states WISE public Member states Inter calibrat’n Member states Member states Urban WWD Member states 2010 WFD, UWWD WISE public Push Pull protocols Access protocols EIONET Water WISE expert Member states Member states ESTAT Other policies/ users WISE analysis
WISE Implementation Plan 2006-2010 (1) A desire to support a single stream of data. A single data definition Temporal and spatial integration Support different frequencies for data collection Coordinated data exchange standards Move towards disaggregated data collection Common standards for visualisation. State of the Environment Reporting Drafting Group (under the CIS structure)
WISE Implementation Plan 2006-2010 (2) Perceived success factors: The co-operation of the Member States EU25 and the EEA member countries All Reporting Groups (WFD Compliance, UWWT, SOE and others) Involvement of DG ENV, EEA, ESTAT, JRC, and buy in from International River Basin Commissions, etc. Definition of base environmental data against which reporting is made Provision of access to all information types Numerical data (raw), ecological status (computed), thematic maps, reports, downloads, documents (e.g. methodologies),
WISE Implementation Plan 2006-2010 (3) Involved JRC, DG Env, EEA and Eurostat Based around EOINET and WISE prototype WISE IP agreed, end 2005 WISE end-user workshop Dec 2005 End 2006 public launch - 2010 full roll out Basic steps Conceptual and preparatory work Detailed design and prototype Development of upload facilities Development of publication facilities Roll out for other directives
Conceptual and preparatory work (first ideas) Establish the user requirements including common information requirements (Task 1) Protocols (Task 2) a common “submissions” user interface including validation and system security (Task 2a) automated data exchange between systems (Task 2b) dissemination and publication of information to the broader user community. (Task 2c) Organisation requirement to manage WISE (Task 3)
Detailed design stage (first ideas) Test concepts for 2006 publication using existing WISE prototype (Task 4) Detailed functional design (Task 5) Submission tools and data exchange modules Upgrade of existing Reportnet tools Design of publication toolset Design of common water information schema for water information (Task 6) INSPIRE SDIC Determination of the GIS standards required (Task 7)
Implement submission tools (first ideas) Common entry point (Task 8) Likely extension of ROD capabilities Defining reporting requirement (Task 9) Likely development of Data Dictionary facilities Providing GIS capability Data exchange modules (Task 10) Extension of DEM to enable automatic validation and exchange
Implement harvesting tools (first ideas) Develop shared Data Repository (Task 11) Likely central dataset Separate from master data Development of publication module (Task 12) Web viewer, GIS functionality, Data download, Analysis capability, Document repository, FAQs and graphical design Develop system access protocols (task 13) Access Level of functionality
Tentative timetable for other Directives Urban Water Water Treatment - 2005/6 Nitrate Directive – 2007 Bathing Waters Directive –2007/8 Drinking Water Directive –2007/8 Thereafter Joint questionnaire Marine strategy Floods initiative
WISE process Close co-ordination between European bodies (ENV, JRC, ESTAT and EEA) Collaboration with Member States – needs to be strengthened in the future! Spin off to linked activities (INSPIRE, GMES, env. Reporting, RTD) Inclusion of new technologies Development of WISE tools (reference data, internet prototype, GIS) Agreement of reporting requirements (reporting sheets)
“Useful data/information” aggregation rules quality checks communication tools between levels and layers comparative analysis tools INSPIRE, WISE EU wide Water-related data / hydrography Other environmental compatrm. (soil, air) Driving forces (e.g. agriculture, transport) 1 Member State EGM 1 river basin (district) 1 sub-basin Regional and local tools 1 water body 1 monitoring station Tools 1 sample Layers biology pollutants physico. morphol.
Objectives for meeting Make a step towards the development of WISE by: Discussing the limitations of focussing on “mandatory” reporting only Creating synergies between different reporting processes (WFD, UWWT) Joining forces on development of tools and procedures Identifying complementary reporting needs on voluntary basis are “common sense” to achieve WISE objectives Improving engagement of MS experts in WISE development Raising awareness of wider issues
Summary WISE is the best way forward for water-related reporting WISE Implementation Plan will be basis for future work – a long term roadmap Joint process of EU bodies and MS is crucial for success WISE conceptually fully integrated in wider environmental reporting discussion (incl. INSPIRE)
http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/ environment/water More information On water policy: http://www.europa.eu.int/comm/ environment/water WFD CIRCA Information Exchange Platform http://forum.europa.eu.int/Public/irc/env/wfd/library Email: env-wfd-circa@cec.eu.int Notes for the Speaker: More information on the Directive, the implementation process and also the guidance documents are available on the internet.