List 13 Homework is due Monday, March 24 Quiz is Monday, March 24
Tox/toxic=poison Toxin (n)= a poison produced by a living thing
Tax/tact=arrangement or touch Tactile (adj)= connected to sense of touch
Kine/kino=movement Kinesthetic (adj)=related to physical movement
Luc=light Translucent (adj)= allowing light, but not specific images to pass through
Micro=small Micromanage (v)= to control every part of something
Macro=large, long Macroeconomics (n)= the part of economics (studying money) that deals with large-scale factors
Tele=far Telework (v)= to work from a place besides the actual work location
Ob=complete/toward Obsolete (adj)= no longer produced or used; out of date