Union Grove High School ANNOUNCEMENTS 5-16-2016
Please wish UGHS LADIES GOLF Good Luck at State Monday 5-16
SENIOR EXAMS Mon May 16: 5th period Tue May 17: 1st 3rd 6th period Wed May 18: 2nd 4th 7th period
Mon 5-16 Biology Tue 5-17 9th Literature Sec 1&2 Wed 5-18 9th Literature Sec 3
Auditions for FALL SHOW Come prepared to read from the script Tuesday, May 17 3:30 – 5:30 in the drama room Come prepared to read from the script
Exam Day Check-out Form Run TUESDAY 13th due Wednesday 18th
SOCCER BANQUET May 23rd 6-8:30 pm $15 for 11yrs old & up Tickets are being sold in the commons area 8-8:20am until the 18th $15 for 11yrs old & up $10 for 6-10yrs old Players eat FREE *No tickets will be sold at the banquet for the meal
$15 Sports Physicals May 18th beginning @ 4pm In the GYM Attention all ATHLETES: $15 Sports Physicals May 18th beginning @ 4pm In the GYM *Sign up for an appointment @ lunch
$95 Are now during IF or lunch in room 408 *cash or check only YEARBOOKS! Are now $95 during IF or lunch in room 408 *cash or check only
Available in the Front Office END OF YEAR PARKING PERMIT . $10 May 16 - May 27 $ 5 May 23 - May 27 Available in the Front Office *Students MUST have a permit in order to drive
May 22 Baccalaureate 4pm May 24 Grandparent’s Breakfast 9am May 24 Group picture 8:30 am May 25-26 Mandatory Graduation Practice May 27 Graduation Ceremony 7:30pm
Cross-Country? immediately after school in room 116 on Tuesday 5/24 Interested in trying out for Cross-Country? Pre-Season Informational Meeting immediately after school in room 116 on Tuesday 5/24 *see Coach Daugherty for more information
Track & Field Awards Banquet 6:00-7:30 Tuesday 5/24 In the UGHS Commons Athletes should return their uniform at this time
2016 Course Registration Schedule: GAVIRTUAL ONLY: May 31 & June 1 ALL OTHER PROGRAMS: June 1 & June 3 8:00am – 3:30pm @ Union Grove High -Info on the school website
Deadline: June 10, 2016 Award: $1,000 Essay topic on website: http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.htm
Athletic Scholarships Essay & Application Due: June 17th BIG SUN Athletic Scholarships Several $500 Awards Essay & Application Due: June 17th http://www.bigsunathletics.com
Metro Atlanta Alumni Association Scholarships No out of state fees! Metro Atlanta Alumni Association Scholarships Metro Atlanta Alumni Scholarship Application or See counseling office for an application *Due June 30th
Join The Senior SCHOLARSHIP Newsletter! 81010 Enter this number @theseni Text this message
Stop by the front office *left over items will be donated to charity ! Have You Lost Any Thing? Stop by the front office *left over items will be donated to charity !
LUNCH Chicken Nuggets Steak Nuggets w/gravy MON 5-16 LUNCH Chicken Nuggets Steak Nuggets w/gravy Mashed potatoes, baked beans, squash & red peppers, Strawberries & bananas, roll TUESDAY Nov 27th
Don’t panic, it’s just Monday