True Parents’ Life Course Lecture 2 True Parents’ Life Course Messiah · True Parents · King of Kings -
I. True Parents’ Life Course A. Stages of TPs’ Life Course 1. Life course as Messiah (1920-1960) 2. Life course as True Parents (1960-2000) 3. Life course as King of Kings (2001-2010 present)
B. From when was True Father the Messiah? 1. Messiah is sent, not chosen 2. As the direct son of God, there is only one Messiah 3. Direct son of God: Adam, Jesus, True Father 4. Self-recognition as Messiah and substantial realization of Messiah (4/28/02)
C. Mission of True Father, the Messiah 1. Find and proclaim the Truth “The Holy Word” 2. Re-create and complete Eve 3. Complete human beings on earth and in spirit world 4. God’s liberation-complete freedom and completion 5. Create female angels and complete the angelic world
D. TP’s life course to accomplish the mission 1. Carried the cross of True Love (9/26/98) 2. Perfection on the 8th time after 7 deaths and resurrections (1/15/09) 3. Four core attributes of God (9/5/99)
<4 Core Attributes of God> Internal External Absolute Unique Unchanging Eternal Creativity Absolute creativity Unique creativity Unchanging creativity Eternal creativity Subjectivity Absolute subjectivity Unique subjectivity Unchanging subjectivity Eternal subjectivity Relationship Absolute relationship Unique relationship Unchanging relationship Eternal relationship Unification Absolute unification Unique unification Unchanging unification Eternal unification
II. Life course as Messiah A. Find and proclaim the Truth Way of Restoration and Way of Principle (EDP 311; 12/15/85) a. Way of Restoration has to be found (Way of Exploration) b. Way of Principle has to be walked c. Messiah finds the principle through Way of Restoration d. And humanity follows the Way of Principle that the Messiah has found.
2. Method of finding the Truth (4/13/10) a. Knowledge from birth Learning from study Learning from Heaven (天而之知) Natural knowledge of God’s Will (天意之知) b. Learning from Heaven is in Heaven’s language.
c. Natural knowledge of God’s Will means God’s Will is immediately proclaimed in the language of human beings. d. Practiced content can be proclaimed in the language of human beings. e. Differences among Adam, Jesus and TF
3. Two core elements of the Truth a. Relationship between God and human beings is the bond between parent and child : Love, life and lineage b. True love meets via the shortest distance. c. Importance of blood lineage (Pyeong Hwa Shin Gyeong, 17)
4. Offering and inheritance of ‘God’s 8 textbooks and teaching materials’ (2/7/10) a. Result of ‘Perfection on the 8th time after 7 deaths and resurrections’ (7/8/10) b. ‘textbooks and teaching materials’ is the subject of God c. ‘textbooks and teaching materials’ is the canon of Unification Church d. ‘textbooks and teaching materials’ is the origin of the law of the Constitution of Cheon Il Guk
III. Life Course as True Parents A. Completion of True Mother 1. Standard of True Mother’s completion a. Absolute Faith, Love and Obedience to TF b. God creates Adam, Adam creates Eve c. Vertical oneness: God-TF-TM
2. Table of True Mother’s Path to Completion (2009.7.7) Life Course Process of Completion Change of Status Date Comment Turning Point King of Kings God Wife of God 4/29/10 Trinity Substantial God 6/13/06 No bow to God True Parents Queen Oneness 2/6/03 No bow to TF Grand-mother Equal authority 6/1/00 40 cities tour Mother Equal position 6/14/99 80 cities tour Wife Beside 7/1/91 Start of speech tour Messiah Younger sister Behind 2/23/77 Complete liberation Daughter 4/11/60 No financial independence UPF Day of Victory of Love Danbury
3. True Parents’ Engagement Ceremony and Holy Wedding a. Process and standard of selection (1/1/97) 1) Preparation of bride from 12 groups 2) Ages from 80s, 70s, 60s, 50s, 40s, 30s, 20s, 10s 3) Inheritance of 3 generations of spiritual foundation: Kim Sung-Do, Heo Ho-Bin, Hong Soon-Ae 4) 3 generations of only-child daughters: Jo Won-Mo, Hong Soon-Ae, Han Hak-Ja 5) Selection standard: Absolute Faith, Love, Obedience
b. True Parents’ Engagement Ceremony and understanding of the Providence (3/27/60, Lunar 3/1) 1st Stage: Second Advent’s second coming to Korea (2/25/20, Lunar 1/6) 2nd Stage: Achieving oneness of invisible Father and visible Father (1920-1960) 3rd Stage: Dedication of Diadem (1960-2000) 4th Stage: Dedication of Crown (2001-2010 Present)
c. True Parents’ Holy Wedding (4/11/60, Lunar 3/16) 1) On the foundation of 14-year course (1946-1960) 2) Foundation of 3couples engagement ceremony and the blessing ceremony (4/16/60, Lunar 3/21) 3) Holy Wedding is the wedding supper of the Lamb in Revelations (Rev.19:9-10) 4) The first ceremony (Ceremony of Parents for Restoration through Indemnity) and the second ceremony (Ceremony of Parents of Glory) 5) TP before and after the Holy Wedding (1/13/01)
4. Status change from daughter to younger sister (1960-1977) a. Holy Wedding was TM’s Rebirth Blessing (4/11/60, Lunar 3/16) b. 7-year course (3 years + 4 years) and its result c. True Father’s direct permission required to spend over 10 dollars
d. Through the proclamations of the Day of Victory in Heaven (10/4/76) and the Day of Victory on Earth (2/23/77) e. True Mother is granted complete liberation and financial independence and f. Proclamation of Cheon Gi Year 1 and Foundation Day becomes possible
5. Status change from younger sister to wife (1977-1991) a. Absolute Faith, Absolute Love, Absolute Obedience from ‘Behind’ True Father b. Proclamation of Parents of Heaven and Earth (2/27/90) c. Through the ‘Proclamation of God’s Eternal Blessing’ (7/1/91) d. True Mother stands ‘Beside’ of True Father (7/1/97) e. World speech tour for 10 years as the mother of the world f. True Father goes beyond the level of one nation
6. Status change from wife to mother (1991-1999) a. Inauguration as Chairman of Women’s Federation for World Peace (4/10/92) b. Proclamation of the Age of Settlement of True Parents (4/7/93, Lunar 3/16) c. 360 Million Couples Blessing and Lucifer’s surrender (3/21/99) d. Proclamation to Congratulate True Parents’ Cosmic Victory (6/14/99) e. TF presents commendation plaque to TM f. TM rises to ‘Equal position’ as TF
7. Status change from mother to grandmother (1999-2000) a. Victory celebration of True Mother’s 40 cities speech tour around the world (6/1/00) b. New Day of Settlement after the second Noah’s 40 Day Flood Judgment (6/1/00) c. Holds ‘equal authority’ as True Father on earth d. Shin Man Nim’s 103 Day Celebration and the Age of103 Day Celebration e. Registration Blessing (From 9/26/00)
8. Status change from grandmother to queen (2000-2003) a. ‘Opening the Gate to Cheon Il Guk through the Holy Wedding Blessing Ceremony of Parents of Heaven and Earth’ and ‘Enthronement Ceremony of the King of Blessed Families for the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic Parents and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth’ (2/6/03, Lunar1/6)
b. TF and TM achieves ‘oneness’ c. TM does not bow to TF d. TM works simultaneously on earth and in the spirit world e. Blessed families goes beyond the Age of the Realm of the 4th Chosen People f. God appears in the image of Parents
9. Status change from queen to substantial God (2003-2006) a. Creation of Cheon Il Guk and registration at the New York state government (12/17/04-12/20) b. Inauguration of UPF and world tour (9/12/05-6/13/06)
c. Cheon Jeong Goong Entrance Ceremony and Coronation 1) 1st Ceremony: Cheon Jeong Goong Entrance Ceremony 2) 2nd Ceremony: Coronation of Cosmic Peace and Unification a) Coronation held by God and TP as ‘one body’ b) No longer necessary to distinguish between God and TP. c) TP do not bow to God. 3) Creation of CIG: sovereignty, territory, people (6/13/06)
10. Status change from substantial God to wife of God (2006-2010) a. Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Seung Hwa Festival on the Foundation of the Abel UN (4/29/10; 5/9/10) b. Golden Wedding Anniversary held on the 50th Anniversary of the Holy Wedding was the 3rd Holy Wedding
c. True Parents held the Golden Wedding Anniversary in the position of substantial God. d. God wearing the body of TF and TM as substantial bride e. TM rises to the position of God’s wife.
11. Change of Status of Messiah, True Parents, King of Kings Life Course Process of Completion Change of Status Date Comment Turning Point King of Kings God God’s wife 4/29/10 Trinity Substantial God 6/13/06 No bow to God True Parents Queen Oneness 2/6/03 No bow to TF Grand-mother Equal authority 6/1/00 40 cities tour Mother Equal position 6/14/99 80 cities tour Wife Beside 7/1/91 Start of speech tour Messiah Younger sister Behind 2/23/77 Complete liberation Daughter 4/11/60 No financial independence UPF Day of Victory of Love Danbury
12. Transition from course of Messiah to course of TP a. TM as revealed on the Day of Victory of Love (1/2/97) 1) TF’s love toward God overcomes death. 2) TM’s love toward TF overcomes death. 3) Have to demonstrate the substantiation of true love (1/2/97) 4) TM’s creativity and delivery of children
b. True Mother as revealed through Danbury incident 1) TF in Danbury prison (7/20/84 - 8/20/85) 2) TM in East Garden prison 3) Candle of Love of Heaven and Holy ground prayer 4) Held enthronement ceremony (4/4/85 - 4/10/85)
13. Transition from course of True Parents to course of King of Kings (9/12/05 UPF) a. Responsibility: From True Parents to God b. Providence: From Providence of Restoration through Indemnity to Providence of Ideal of Creation c. Relationship: From indirect relationship to direct relationship
d. Method: From conflict and separation to True Love e. Celebration of Choo Seok for Liberation of Heaven and Earth (9/18/05) : Return to Heaven of the Realm of Environment of Garden of Eden before the Fall
14. Result of True Mother’s completion a. Victorious TM stands in the ‘perfected position’ (5/14/08) b. Origin-division-union action and the completion of Trinity: Holy Father, Holy Son, Holy Daughter (8/1/96) c. Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings (1/15/09; 1/31/09)
d. True Father: Messiah → True Parents → King of Kings e. Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Seung Hwa Festival on the Foundation of the Abel UN (4/29/10; 5/9/10) f. World Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (7/8/10; 12/4/10)
B. Completion of human beings on earth and in the spirit world 1. Completion of human beings on earth a. 1st Blessed Family, 2nd Blessed Family, 3rd Blessed Family (5/15/61) (36 couple Bl) b. Church level blessing, National level blessing, World level blessing, Cosmic level blessing and Cheon Il Guk registration blessing
c. Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Seung Hwa Festival on the Foundation of the Abel UN (4/29/10; 5/9/10) 1) Coronation: Rebirth Blessing to be reborn on the individual level 2) Golden Wedding Anniversary: Resurrection Blessing to be reborn on the family and national level 3) Seung Hwa Festival: Eternal Life Blessing to be reborn on the world level
2. Completion of human beings in the spirit world a. Spiritual blessing (1st Blessed Family): 8/24/95 b. Spiritual and earthly blessing (2nd Blessed Family): 2/20/84 c. Blessing of unmarried singles (3rd Blessed Family): d. Blessing of children (under 16 years of age): 2/13/00
IV. Life Course as King of Kings Liberation-complete freedom and completion of God 1. Process of God’s liberation and complete freedom a. Enthronement Ceremony of God’s Kingship (1/13/01) b. Cheon Jeong Goong Entrance Ceremony and Coronation (6/13/06)
c. Coronation for the Realm of Liberation for God, the King of Kings (1/15/09 ; 1/31/09) d. Honoring the Coronation, Golden Wedding Anniversary and Seung Hwa Festival on the Foundation of Abel UN (4/29/10; 5/9/10) e. World Assembly to Proclaim the Substantial Word that Firmly Establishes the True Parents of Heaven, Earth and Humankind (7/8/10)
2. Result of God’s Completion 1 Origin Division Union 2 God of Night God of Day God 3 Divine Self of Divinity Substantial Self of Divinity Entity of Divinity 4 Cosmic Parents Parents of Heaven and Earth Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind 5 Divine Word Substantial Word God’s Word
B. Completion of the angelic world (10/19/70; 2/27/10) 1. Order of creation and order of perfection a. Order of creation: angels, creation, human being b. Order of perfection: human being, angel, creation c. Standard of perfection: Making a pair centering on God d. Order of dominion: order of perfection, not creation e. Archangel’s motivation of the Fall: Let’s have dominion according to the order of creation
2. Completion of the angelic world (510:84, 10/7/05) a. God creates male angels b. Perfected Adam creates female angels c. Perfected Adam completes the angelic world by making pairs d. Perfected Adam takes on the position of substantial God.
IV. Conclusion A. TP’s life course and completion of mission ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ Period Major Providence Completed Mission Process King of Kings 2000 ~ 2010 Enthronement and Coronation ⑤Completion of the angelic world ④Completion of God True Parents 1960 ~ 2000 Holy Wedding and Golden Wedding Anniversary ③Completion of human beings ②Completion of TM Messiah 1920 ~ 1960 Self-recognition as Messiah and preparation for Holy Wedding ①Finding and proclaiming the Truth ① ② ③ ④ ⑤
B. TP desires parent-child relationship (2/21/10) Blood lineage has to be connected to form a bond. 2. Can inherit the True Love of God 3. From relationship of destiny to relationship of fate 4. Maintaining relationship of fate: Kodiak Instruction (8/19/98)
C. Mission given by True Parents 1. Representative of True Parents 2. Advancement of the Providence and the Age of Sudden Attack from the Spirit World (11/9/90) 3. Upright, calm and humble mind (4/18/77) 4. Let ‘God’s 8 textbooks and teaching materials’ have dominion over me. 5. Let’s return to jeong-seong and the Word.