Create at T- Chart JFK Mary Lou
JFK – TO THE MOON SPEECH In 1962, President John F. Kennedy gave a speech at Rice University in Houston, Texas. It outlined the reasons the United States should go to the moon. Listen to the speech and make a list of reasons why he says space exploration is necessary.
Mary Lou’s letter to President One of the people who voiced their opinion on President Kennedy’s decision to go to the moon was 13-year-old Mary Lou Reitler. Read Mary Lou’s letter. Think about whether or not she supports the President’s decision and what reasons Mary Lou gives to defend her position. Write those reasons on your t-chart.
SPACE RACE Use the following information to complete your timeline.
1957-1958 1957 1958 The Soviets launch the satellite Sputnik The Soviets put a dog, Laika, in space 1958 The U.S. launches the satellite Explorer I The U.S. creates National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
1961 1961 The Soviets send Yuri Gagarin into space The U.S. sends Allan Sheppard into space
1962-1963 1962 1963 John Glenn orbits the earth Valentina Tereshkova becomes the first women in space
1965 1965 The Soviets complete a successful space walk Ed White completes a successful space walk
1966 - 1969 1966 1969 The Soviets land on the moon The U.S. lands on the moon 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin land and walk on the moon
1969 MOON LANDING Watch the video of Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin’s moon landing and write the FAMOUS Neil Armstrong quote at the bottom of your timeline.
“SPINOFFS” Technology developed for the space program has been applied to many innovations that influence our daily lives. NASA refers to these technological advances as “spinoffs.” Here is a list of a few: Smoke detectors Cordless tools TV satellite dishes Technology used on commercial aircraft and air traffic control Fire-resistant textiles and clothing that are used to protect firefighters and the military Fabrics which block ultraviolet rays Medical imaging that helps doctors see what is happening in the human body Navy life boat rafts to help sailors in case of an emergency on their boat Devices to detect dangerous chemicals in the air and water Bullet proof vests to protect law enforcement officers
Other Impacts of Space Race New Jobs in Defense Programs National Defense Education Act More funding for math and science More Money for research and development US Military Industrial Complex grew