VTAC VOICES Training Faculty Copy Editors February 2010
Session objective At the end of this session, you will have the necessary skills to use the VTAC - VOICES online editing system to edit your faculty’s course entries in the VTAC Guide 2011 and VICTER 2013.
How to log on to Omega and VOICES
VOICES summary of changes A spell check has been added. Single log in for multi sector institutions i.e. VET, Higher Ed and GET. Online hyperlinked publishing guidelines Request for new majors – deadline brought forward Ability to copy majors for double degrees from single degrees About the Course – to be entered for every course ‘STAT (Multiple Choice)’ not to be listed in the Selection mode. Instead, have ‘Test’ and explain the type of test in the Extra requirements. VTAC will update the Selection mode for us. 4
Exercise 1
Online hyperlinked guidelines Can be accessed: Online without logging in: http://euclid.vtac.edu.au/publication/manual/contents.html From the VOICES menu (after logging in) From the ‘Edit course entry’ pages. 6
Exercise 2
The three golden rules of editing courses: Follow the publishing guidelines Don’t repeat information No marketing 8
Guidelines for About the course This year, the ‘About the course’ section needs to be updated for every course ‘About the course’ should only provide applicants with information about structure and focus. Do not raise unrealistic expectations. Information must be factual. No marketing. 9
Guidelines for Middle-band and Extra Requirements The ‘Insert template’ button suggests statements to assist. These statements also ensures consistency. Faculty’s using STAT (Multiple choice) must include information about STAT in Extra requirements. Ensure correct sub-headings are used eg. CY12 & NONY12 When referring to specific pages of the VTAC Guide use the following page nomenclature PageTest (includes STAT, DULSAT, ISAT, UMAT) PagePi 10
Guidelines for Major Studies Requests for new majors must be submitted by 15 March. You can copy majors from one or more courses to another using new functionality . Very useful for double degree courses Remember to save after each majors import. 11
Importing and adding major studies – for double degrees 12
Adding the second qualification majors– for double degrees 13
Exercise 3 & 4
VTAC Publication Timeline Monday 8 February: VOICES opened for editing Friday 12 March, 5 pm: Complete draft 1 editing of VTAC Guide 2011 and VICTER 2013 Monday 15 March: Last day to request for new major studies Friday 9 April: VOICES open for final draft editing Tuesday 27 April: Last day to submit new courses for publication in the VTAC Guide 2011 Friday 7 May, 5 pm: Complete final draft editing of VTAC Guide 2011 & VICTER 2013 Wednesday 2 June, 5pm : Final sign off of VTAC Guide 2011 & VICTER 2013
Admissions Unit contacts Manager Admissions: Kai Jensen Email: kai.jensen@adm.monash.edu.au Ext: 55051 Senior Admissions Officer: Angela Roelofs Email: angela.roelofs@adm.monash.edu.au Ext: 53013 Senior Admissions Officer: Ajanti Atputhanathan Email: ajanti.atputhanathan@adm.monash.edu.au Ext: 55887