TRAde Control and Epert System TRACES CEFTA Organisation of regional integration use: Central European Free Trade Agreement Didier CARTON DG SANCO G2 Animal Health
TRACES: scope for non-EU country Certification Border Control (CVED, CED, CHEDPP) EU exportation (EXPORT) EU importation (IMPORT) Non-EU exportation (IMPORT) (April 2013) Pilot project CEFTA
AL: Albania BA: Bosnia and Herzegovina MD: Moldovia, Republic of ME: Montenegro MK: Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of RS: Serbia XK: Kosovo
TRACES: Implementation in CEFTA
Trade within CEFTA: Products (2012)
Trade within CEFTA: Products (2012) Details (- Animal feed)
Trade within CEFTA: Products (2012) Details (Animal feed)
Trade within CEFTA: Live animals (2012)
Trade within CEFTA: Live animals (2012) Details (- Poultry)
Trade within CEFTA: Live animals (2012) Details (Poultry)
INTRA CEFTA: Pilot project Research of main interest Milk product, live pigs and poultry Study of the certificate: harmonization HTB, HTC (milk products), POR-X (pigs), DOC, BPP (poultry) Translation and integration in TRACES Pilot project Model AL BA MD ME MK RS XK HTB X HTC POR-X DOC BPP TRACES: references WEB site Release note V6 Application Presentation Contact Tel.: +32 2 297 63 50
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