2D Car In Sketchup
STEP 1: Find a side view photo online. Save it.
STEP 2: Open Sketchup
STEP 3: Import image
STEP 4: Place Image at the Origin Don’t worry about which way it is facing or the size.
STEP 5: Change Your Camera View Make sure you are looking straight on to the image. No angles!
STEP 6: Zoom in and Start Drawing! TIP 1: Use the best tool for the job (Freehand? Arc? Pencil? Circle?) TIP 2: If you stop and start again, make sure you are ON the exact spot.
TIP: Skip the Wheels! We’ll be adding our own! Draw straight across the wheel well
STEP 7: Draw until you have a solid shape
STEP 8: Change to X-Ray Mode to Add Details! What are the lines that should be drawn or painted on later?
STEP 9: Add Details and Color!
STEP 10: View -> Face Style -> (turn off X-ray) Go back and add details if needed.
STEP 11: Delete the Reference Photo
STEP 12: Select All -> Edit -> Make Group
STEP 13: Scale Until Length is between 5-6”