GradUATE COUNCIL November 15, 2017
Call to Order Welcome, Steven Lonergan, Chair Introductions Seating of Substitute Council Members
Consent Agenda Minutes of October 18, 2017 meeting Agenda for current meeting GCCC approved items Proposal for Grad Cert in Supply Chain Management Proposal for concurrent (MSE) and Master of Engineering A M D 458 X / 558 X Dual list EEOB 565 X / BIOL 465X Dual list FSHN 430X / 530X Dual list TSM 455X / 555X Dual list Graduate Faculty Membership report
Announcements and Remarks Graduate Council Chair, Steven Lonergan Proposed House tax reform bill item that would classify graduate tuition scholarships as income. Subcommittee progress Dean of Graduate College, William Graves: No report Assistant Dean of Graduate College, Craig Ogilvie: No report Graduate College Office- Judy Strand
Old Business Chapter 9: Report from Dean Graves. Discussion of checklist on proposed document.
New Business Graduate Awards Committees Last chance to volunteer !
Committee and Subcommittee reports Graduate Faculty Membership Committee: Pam Riney-Kehrberg English Proficiency Requirement: Deb Marquart, Pranav Shrotiya, Julie Bothell Outside committee member committee: No report. Need a volunteer to chair this committee. Current members include O’Connor, Gottesman, Bowler, Li, Miller, Russell, Nagel, Kaiser Double Degree Committee: Carlton Basmajian (chair) No report this month Admission Status Committee: Marquart, Moore, Munkvold
Committee Reports Expired Course Committee : Dobbs (chair), Weston, Speer Two proposed suggestions for PhD programs from committee and discussed last month. 1) allow up to 36 credits over 11 years old so long as no more than 12 are older than 17 (original intent) 2) allow up to 36 credits over 11 years old.
Other Items?
Meeting Schedule All meetings will be in 3150 Beardshear Hall from 4:15-5:30. Wednesday, Dec. 6 Wednesday, Jan 17 Wednesday, Feb 21 Wednesday, Mar 21 Wednesday, April 18