City Council Meeting 01/08/19 City Manager’s Report City Council Meeting 01/08/19
I-170 Gateway Redevelopment Tax Increment Financing Commission met on January 3 and voted unanimously to approve a Resolution recommending Council approval of the Redevelopment Plan Amendment. Tax Increment Financing Commission is scheduled to meet tomorrow at 7pm to receive the amended plan containing the office and parking garage.
Fire Department Promotion Congratulations to Jim Rujawitz on his promotion to Captain with the Olivette Fire Department. As one of our longest serving members, he has seen many changes over the years. Captain Rujawitz will use his experience and knowledge to lead his shift and the department forward.
Centennial Greenway
Be Prepared for Winter Weather
National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month Since 2011 January has been proclaimed National Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness Month. This year, national awareness day is January 11, 2019. Persons interested in bringing awareness to human trafficking wear blue.
Upcoming Events! City Council Retreat Coffee with the Mayor January 12, Noon Coffee with the Mayor January 16, 8:45AM Parks & Rec Commission January 16, 7pm PCDC January 17, 7:00pm Offices Closed January 21 MLK Day City Council Meeting January 22, 7pm