Global Partnerships as Sites for Mutual Learning: overview ESRC Project Interim workshop September 1st 2011 University of Exeter
UK Organisation Southern Organisation Study visit UK Individuals Long-term, beneficial relationship UK Organisation Southern Organisation Intercultural learning Run by Enabled by Study visit Take part in Take some part in Intercultural learning UK Individuals Southern Individuals Short-term, beneficial relationship
Research Questions “What impact do two North-South study visits have on teachers’ understanding of development issues and how does this inform their understanding of, and practice in, global partnerships?” What do teachers from both North and South learn about development and global issues from their involvement in study visits? Two study visit [courses]: students, teachers and educators Equal emphasis on learning of both northern and southern teachers What are the key factors that prompt any changes in knowledges and beliefs? How does this learning inform their practice over time? The key research question is: What impact do two North-South study visits have on teachers’ understanding of development issues and how does this inform their understanding of, and practice in, global partnerships? For the past 18 months we’ve been investigating what teachers learn from study visits, and how they make use of what has been learnt back in their own educational settings, giving equal weight to the learning of both northern and southern partners. We also want to examine the key factors that prompt any changes in knowledges and beliefs and how teachers’ learning informs their practice over time.
Research methodology Participatory approach Intercultural learning approach- mirroring learning processes in study visit courses Research process as transformational learning Helen: Ethnographic approach (participant researcher, in- depth interviews) Fran: Collaboration with Dr Sidibeh and Dr Raja Research team keeping research diaries: personal learning and research team processes Third space Participatory approach been adopted- attempt to ensure a voice for all partners in the research and to embody the principle of the right of people being researched to influence how the research findings are portrayed... [Intercultural learning approach- involvement of local researchers in The Gambia and Southern India enables intercultural, mutual learning to take place between northern and southern researchers in the same way as takes place between northern and southern teachers involved in the study visits.] Due to the research design and methodology the research team is engaged in the transformative learning process alongside the participants. Helen: ethnographic approach (participant researcher, in-depth interviews) Taking an ethnographic approach I have taken on the dual roles of participant and observer to examine what UK teachers learn from the course about global and development issues. Alongside this I conducted more in-depth research with five participants from each course, through a series of interviews (pre, during and post-visit) My own learning is therefore mirroring the learning of the other course participants- I’ve felt and shared the excitement, the hope and the possibilities, but also the challenges and discomfort that have arisen. Fran: collaborating with southern researchers- engaging in research conversations and learning from difference in approaches to research across the different countries involved. Research team keeping research diaries: personal learning as well as research team processes Potential 3rd spaces