Fit for the Future 23 September 2016.


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Presentation transcript:

Fit for the Future 23 September 2016

Fit for the Future – A Systems Approach Purpose: to identify where further support is needed through primary and community care to improve outcomes for people with mental health and addiction issues. People-powered- ensure the views of consumers of Mental Health and Addiction services, family/whānau, DHBs, Māori and Pasifika, NGO providers and PHOs feed into the process Using a focused co-development approach to work together to develop new approaches for managing this ‘middle ground’ Using the Social Investment approach to build a strong evidence-base to answer: what works, for whom, where it works, why it works and what it costs Within the Government's wider social investment approach to collaborate with social and justice sector agencies to address the determinants and effects of poor health and wellbeing - housing, social relationships, employment opportunities and education.

Fit for the Future – Co-development approach Process: bring together expertise to define and understand the issues we are trying to address, identify the outcomes we expect to see and focus on how we can work differently to achieve better outcomes. Includes two focused workshops (31 Aug and 21 Sep), engagement with parts of the sector in existing forums (such as regular sector meetings) and a request for evidence about ‘what works’ from key organisations and individuals. Feeds into the longer term strategic direction to reshape our system to one that focuses on outcomes, links in with our existing work programme and is an opportunity to put the outcome focused approach into action.

Informing the future direction Fit for the Future Investing in building the evidence base Longer term plan to reshape the system to focus on outcomes 03 Ensure purchasing is of effective services and results-based Confirm action 02 Consider options Measure effectiveness of services to determine what works well and what doesn’t 01 Build understanding Understand the voice of the customer, their needs and impact on demand Using the social investment approach and feeding into the Commissioning Framework