What is [company name’s] Compliance and Fraud Helpline? Independent compliance and fraud incident reporting service Provided by EthicsPoint, an independent 3rd party provider Reports can be made: By-name or anonymously Through toll-free telephone number or Internet Attach evidence you have (documents, audio, video) Anonymity is ensured Incidents investigated until case is closed
How to Use [company name’s] Compliance and Fraud Helpline Before using Helpline, attempt to address issues with your supervisor and your management chain first, if possible Use Helpline as an additional step to resolve issues Receive unique incident ID number and PIN code Check on incident status, receive follow up questions via phone or web Feel confident that retaliation will not be tolerated
Before using Compliance and Fraud Helpline Keep an unbiased journal or event history (“just the facts”) Try to address issues with your supervisor Use union grievance process, if available to you When all else fails, file a Helpline report; write down report ID number and password Check on incident status at least weekly for status and additional questions
How to Use [company name’s] Compliance and Fraud Helpline Program posters and literature posted throughout all facilities Toll-free phone number: 1-85-EASYWORD (1-85X-XXX-XXXX) Website: www.EthicsPoint.com Click the ‘file a report’ button In the Organization Name field, enter ‘XXXXXXX’ Click the Submit button Click the Select Company/Institution button