Updated method manual Working Group on Article 64 and Article 65 of the Staff Regulations Luxembourg 28th and 29th March 2017
Methodology discussion in the 2016 A6465 Working Group Meeting The manual said: 'The snapshot approach applies' when reporting monthly earnings. Eurostat proposed a clarification to Appendix 4 of the manual regarding how the "snapshot" method should be interpreted
Methodology discussion in the 2016 A6465 Working Group Meeting A simple average of monthly earnings throughout the year does not respect the snapshot approach. The only exception: supplementary payments during the course of the year. If a person receives such payments (e.g. 13th month bonus) one-twelfth of the total amount should be taken into account in determining 'monthly earnings'.
Updated Methodology Manual Doc A6465/14/26 rev 2 accessible via CIRCABC and Free Data Tables metadata, Dedicated Section