2018 Reporting under the Environmental Quality Standards Directive


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Presentation transcript:

2018 Reporting under the Environmental Quality Standards Directive Stéphanie Schaan Unit C1 – DG ENV WG DIS meeting 2 October 2017

Legal Framework Environmental Quality Standards Directive 2008/105/EC (EQSD) lists priority substances and sets EQSs for them. -> assessment of chemical status under WFD. Amended by Directive 2013/39/EU: -> addition of 12 new priority substances and their EQSs EQSs for new PS should take effect from 22 December 2018.

Legal Requirements For the new PS, MS shall by 22 December 2018, establish and submit to the Commission a supplementary monitoring programme and a preliminary programme of measures covering those substances. A final programme of measures shall be established by 22 December 2021 and shall be implemented and made fully operational as soon as possible after that date and not later than 22 December 2024.

2018 reporting – aim and analysis Aim: To see how MS have implemented the requirements of the EQS Directive. Analysis: -> To inform a concise Commission overview of supplementary monitoring programmes / preliminary programmes of measures across the EU. -> useful for MS to see e.g. what drivers / measures have been identified in other MS, and whether these would need to be considered at their own national/RBD level. -> can feed further discussion at WG Chemicals level on how to best tackle these substances, if specific difficulties identified.

Information required Supplementary monitoring programmes : Which substances to be monitored and in which water category? Type and extent of monitoring (surveillance / operational / investigative) Timing/frequency of monitoring – to fit at least one round of monitoring in before 2021 Matrices and EQS LOQ compliant with QA/QC Directive Article 4.1 ? Monitoring for trend assessment ? Explanations if substances to be excluded from further monitoring, and if EQS for another matrix are to be applied.

Information required Preliminary programmes of measures : KTM Pressures and drivers Cost of measures How have pressures been identified (modelling /expert judgment/ monitoring / others)? Did MS identify the risk of failing good status for all WBs ? Explanation if no measure planned

Thanks for your attention