Proposals for a virtual library in BISE MAES working group, Brussels, January 2013 Valérie LAPORTE
A virtual library in BISE Objective: Develop a long-term and adaptive knowledge base to facilitate ecosystem assessments and support the implementation of Nature legislation in European and EEA member and collaborating countries Objects: Fact sheets in English, describing relevant documents (that can be in any European language) in a systematic way Functionalities: a collaborative uploading tool a searching tool a processing instrument for the generation of overviews and statistics
Fact-sheet form (1) Type of document Literature (report, paper…) Tool (for analytical or communication purposes) Event (conference…) Website (e.g. UK NEA…) Document identification (to be adapted to each type of document) Title in original language: ………. Title in English: …….. Year of publication: …… Authors:…….
Fact-sheet form (2) Origin of document Spatial specificity Science/academic organisation Policy/governmental organisation Science-policy interface Field practitioner / Manager Other:….. Spatial specificity No Yes… spatial scale: international regional national local ………… countries: Austria Belgium Czech Republic …
Fact-sheet form (3) Main content or purpose Main elements addressed Theoretical material for ecosystem assessment (methods, concepts, guidance…) Analytical material (Ecosystem assessment case-studies…) Communication material on ecosystem assessment (maps…) Policy document (strategies) Data for ecosystem assessment Main elements addressed Process and governance (incl. communication, funding…) Conceptual framework Biophysical baseline (mapping and assessments of state) Valuation Scenario analyses Policy analyses
Fact-sheet form (4) Main ecosystem types and services addressed (to be adapted to agreed classifications) Ecosystem services Ecosystem types Terrestrial Freshwater Marine Atmosphere Provisioning Nutrition Materials Energy Regulating Wastes Flow regulation Physical env. Biotic environment Cultural Symbolic Intellectual & exp …