Personal Development It’s all about personal development and the legacy you can give back to Scouting and Guiding How to achieve your UK Contingent Personal Development award
Personal Development for Adult Members of the Contingent What is expected of you: Set yourself three self-directed goals They can be a mixture of short and long term goals, and can be done individually or in groups Provide evidence of the skill or behaviour learned to an appropriate person and discuss how you achieved the goal Submit an overview on the electronic form by the 31st October 2019
Personal Development for Adult Members of the Contingent Goals can be signed off by any of the following: a member of your Unit (young person) an activity instructor member of CMST member of IST County/Area/Regional Managers and Trainers Show and discuss your evidence and ask them to email you with confirmation that they agree you have achieved your goal. Upload the email on the submission form
Personal Development for Adult Members of the Contingent You will be asked about: Any challenges you faced and how you overcame them. These will most likely be challenges that cropped up and how you problem solved a solution. Any other achievements you recognised as an outcome of being involved in this adventure. These might include unexpected positive feedback, awards or lightbulb moments when you reflect on something that has a positive impact on you. How you intend using what you have learned in your everyday volunteering – the legacy.