Bullying and it’s Effects On Health
Bullying and its Effects On Health Target: I will be able to identify the different types of bullying and it’s effects on health. Between 1 in 3 and 1 in 4 U.S. students say they have been bullied at school. Bullying: any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or group of youths, (not siblings or current dating partners), involving an observed or perceived power imbalance and repeated multiple times Pg. 59
Modes of bullying: Direct (communication with target) Indirect (not directly communicated with target- ex: spreading rumors)
Types of bullying Physical Verbal Teasing: to laugh at and criticize (someone) in a way that is either friendly and playful or cruel and unkind Harassment: to annoy persistently; to create an unpleasant or hostile situation Intimidation: to make timid or fearful; to compel or deter by using threats Cyber Bullying: Bullying using technology
3. Relational (Harm to the reputation or relationships of target) Property damage To This Day
Health Effects: Kids Who are Bullied (are more likely to:) Increased depression, anxiety, sadness and loneliness Changes in sleep and eating patterns Loss of interest in activities they used to enjoy Decreased academic achievement (GPA, test scores, diploma completion) Decreases participation and attendance Violent retaliation
Kids Who Bully Others (are more likely to:) Abuse Alcohol and Drugs as teens and adults Get into more fights and vandalize property Drop out of school Engage in early sexual activity Have criminal convictions and traffic citations as adults Be abusive toward their romantic partners, spouses, or children as adults Summary:
Dear… A letter about Bullying Everyone has seen or experienced bullying/the effects of bulling in one way or another. Whether this is happening to you now or it has happened in the past, write a letter. Your letter should be addressed to a specific person/group of people, and be at least 1 page in length. If you are/were a target, write a letter to the bully and/or bystanders expressing how you feel. If you ever bullied someone, write an apology letter to the victim. If you are/were a bystander and have witnessed someone getting hurt but didn’t do anything to help, write a letter to the victim or the bully expressing how you feel about the situation. Maybe write down a promise of never allowing yourself to stand by and let the bullying happen again? *Use Good Grammar* Pg. 58