The wall In the north of England the Romans built a wall. It was started by the Emperador Hadrian 122 AD and took more than ten years to finish.
As you get nearer, still outside the city walls, you walk past the entrances to rich people's. file202009/semana%20samta%20.jpg
The Romulus and Remus The Romans belived that two brothers , Romulus and Remus, started their city. Then Romulus killed Remus and become the first king of Rome. After Romulus,Rome was ruled by six more kings.
The houses in Rome For most of the poorer people of Rome,home was very little space in the city people built higher and higher.In the end,the goverment had to pass a law:building could have no more that 5 flors.
The People of Rome: Slaves Most slaves were prisoners of war. They were enemy soliders but their wivesand children were taken too. Slaves did many different types of work.