CTE and Accountability: July 2018 Dr. Warren Roane Director of Accountability & Research wroane@humbleisd.net 281-641-8124
2 themes for the day … CTE is important for ratings! Accountability deals with assessment and school ratings CTE is important for ratings!
Standard Procedures: 100% State Test Scores TAAS, TAKS, STAAR Commissioner of Education Accountability (School Ratings) Decisions 2001-2013 Standard Procedures: 100% State Test Scores TAAS, TAKS, STAAR
Commissioner of Education Accountability (School Ratings) Decisions 2014-2017 CTE: 25% of 25% (6.25% total)
Commissioner’s Final Decisions for 2018 Accountability
Domain 1: Student Achievement CCMR One point is given for each annual graduate who accomplishes any one of the CCMR indicators, except for CTE coherent sequence graduates. One-half point is given for each CTE coherent sequence graduate who completes coursework aligned to the approved list of industry-based certifications. Number of Graduates Who Accomplish Any One of the CCMR Indicators Number of 2017 Annual Graduates 2/28/2019 8 Texas Education Agency | Academics | Performance Reporting
Domain 1: Student Achievement CTE Coherent Sequence to Industry-Based Certifications Transition Plan For 2018 and 2019, CTE coherent sequence graduates who complete and receive credit for at least one course aligned with CTE industry-based certification earn one-half point. For 2020 and 2021, CTE coherent sequence graduates who complete and receive credit for a pathway of courses toward an industry-based certification earn one-half point. For 2022 and beyond, only graduates who earn an industry-based certification earn one point. 2/28/2019 9 Texas Education Agency | Academics | Performance Reporting
Domain 1: Student Achievement High Schools and Districts Weight STAAR 40% College, Career, and Military Readiness (CCMR) 40% Graduation Rate 20% 2/28/2019 13 Texas Education Agency | Academics | Performance Reporting
Domain 3: Closing the Gaps High Schools and Districts Weight Academic Achievement (STAAR) 50% Federal Graduation Status 10% English Language Proficiency (TELPAS) 10% College, Career, and Military Readiness 30% 2/28/2019 14 Texas Education Agency | Academics | Performance Reporting
CTE Impact on HS/District Accountability High Schools and Districts All 3 Domains: Total Weight Academic Achievement (STAAR) 43% Federal Graduation Status 17% English Language Proficiency (TELPAS) 3% College, Career, and Military Readiness 37% 2/28/2019 15 Texas Education Agency | Academics | Performance Reporting
Questions? Dr. Warren Roane wroane@humbleisd.net Director of Accountability & Research wroane@humbleisd.net 281-641-8124