Athens Technical College Achieving the Dream Student Success 2017
Culture of Student Success Athens Technical College
Improve the culture of student success Goal 3: Improve the culture of student success Initiative: Instituted TEAMS and FSSE 1000
Early Alert & Retention Amelia Mills Director of Advisement and Retention
Retention Initiatives To ensure that students persist from semester to semester to earn certificates, diplomas, and/or degrees the following retention initiatives have been implemented: Academic Plans (Financial Aid, Readmission) Collaboration with faculty and staff to connect students to academic and non-academic resources (on-campus tutoring, counseling, etc.) Professional Development (Planning an advisement professional development for faculty and staff to provide strategies to assist students who are retention risks) TEAMS (Early Alert Program) Retention Fair
Early Alert Systems and Retention This initiative was designed to identify students at risk of academic difficulty or failure between the 3rd and 7th week of the semester. Students who would benefit from being early alerted include: Late registrants (students who added during or after the drop/add period) Students with incomplete or missing assignments Students who are frequently absent or arrive late to class Students who have indicated that they have attempted a single course multiple times Students who have failed multiple quizzes or the first test
TEAMS Update The transition to TEAMS, TCSG Early Alert Management System, is complete. TEAMS is designed to provide faculty with real time updates including contact attempts (email, telephone, in-person, classroom visits, or postcards mailed), recommended interventions (on-campus support and resources), alert assignment (which staff member is working the alert), and the date that the alert was closed. TEAMS also has a data feature that allows reports to be created at both the college and the system level.
TEAMS Data Semester Number of Early Alerts Received Response Rate of Students Percent of Referred Students Earning a Grade of C or higher Spring 2016 566 83% 27% Summer 2016 197 91% 33% Fall 2016 587 81% 26% Next steps: Increase the completion rates of students referred to TEAMS by 2% over the next year. New initiatives to come with the hiring of a new Retention Coordinator.
Credits Culture of Student Success – Goal 3 Ms. Amelia Mills –Early Alert & Teams