Special Education Teacher Training


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Presentation transcript:

Special Education Teacher Training Personal Care Supplement PLAAFPs Goals & Objectives Tomball ISD August, 2017

Personal Care Supplement

Personal Care Supplement-If this is a screen you are required to use Developmental, PALS, PPCD, PASS, SLL, and AB teachers are required to complete the Personal Care Supplement on all students. You will first select-’ARD Forms’ from the Home Screen and then you will click on your student and click the FERPA reason-Screen Shot 1, 2, and 3. Then choose the screen ‘Personal Care Services Supplement’ Screen First click the red box-so that it prints with the whole annual ARD and click the ‘yes’ button that personal care services are needed – Screenshot 4 Next area is Summarize why the services are needed-please select the appropriate area or areas – Screenshot 4 Next area is what Personal Care Services are needed-mark all that apply-SCREENSHOT 4

Personal Care Supplement-If this is a screen you are required to use Mark where the personal care services are provided Answer the 3 questions—yes or no Why does the student require personal care services Failure to provide personal care services would result in the following… Click the ‘ADD SERVICE’ button and complete… Service: Personal Care Services Time: 430 typical self-contained 215 typical PPCD, possibly 105 for PASS Dates: Annual ARD date to the next year minus 1 day Location: Typically ‘around campus’ SCREENSHOT 5

Writing PLAAFP Statements and Examples

PLAAFPS Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance From the home screen—you will click on ‘ARD Forms’ and then you will click on your student and then click the FERPA reason – SCREENSHOT 1,2, and 3 PLAAFPs are entered on the Development of IEP/Transition screen found within ARD documents are the foundation for developing appropriate Standards Based Goals & Objectives – SCREENSHOT 6 ***REMEMBER---you must use the DRAFT form for Annual ARDs**** do NOT use ACTIVE

PLAAFP Statements SCREENSHOT 7 Information may be used from CBM, State Assessment Results, Previous IEPs, etc. to determine BOTH strengths and needs. Templates from Word or Notepad may be cut and pasted directly into text boxes. Each area should be addressed: Reading, Speech/Related Services, Written Expression, Functional, Math, Behavior, and Other (include Science and Social Studies and electives, if appropriate) SPELL CHECK!

PLAAFPs Click the text box notepad, if you click the ‘+’ sign, you can preview what is in the box-but in order to edit the contents, you must click the text box. Type statements Click SAVE AND CONTINUE to save your work but not close the text box – SCREENSHOT 8 Click SAVE to save your work and close the text box

Writing Standards Based Measureable Goals and Objectives

Standards Based Goals & Objectives Are entered on the Measureable Annual Goals (Standards) Screen found within the ARD Forms Application – SCREENSHOT 9

Measurable Annual Goals SCREENSHOT 10 & 11 CLICK ADD NEW GOAL to start (or EDIT to tweak) – SCREENSHOT 10 ADD Goal # ENTER Duration From and Duration To—the date of the ARD to the next year (minus 1 day)---for example 08/16/2014 – 08/15/2015 VERY IMPORTANT! (OPTIONAL: Accommodations specific to this goal may be added) SELECT Language of Delivery SELECT Grade Level SELECT Goal Focus SELECT Academic or Functional (behavior), Draft, etc

Measurable Annual Goals SCREENSHOT 11 To develop Measurable Annual Goal –there are two ways to enter the information: First is to either information directly into the lines listed-these are drop down lines… Time Frame Condition Behavior Criteria Or you can enter the information directly into the Measureable Annual Goal box

Measurable Annual Goals SCREENSHOT 12 COMPLETE Implementer COMPLETE Methods of Evaluation (other than Observation) COMPLETE Notification of Student Progress (same as general education students = Progress Reports & Report Cards)

Short Term Objectives SCREENSHOT 12 & 13 CLICK CREATE NEW OBJECTIVE Add CODE: a, b, c, 1, 2, 3 (to order objectives in correct sequence, or eSped will order them in ABC order) Complete Time Frame, Condition, Behavior, Criteria Again this information can be entered through the drop downs or directly entered into the Objective Benchmark box

Short Term Objectives SCREENSHOT 13 Click ESY, if needed DO NOT CLICK DRAFT within the objectives = it will not print or show up for progress reports Click SAVE

Printing DRAFTs for Parents prior to ARD SCREENSHOT 14, 15,& 16 Select REPORTS Select Screen: Individual Reports Select eStar Full ARD B-Goals & Objectives Select Document Watermark: DRAFT Click CREATE . . . Wait until the status goes from NEW to DONE Click VIEW Then Print OR… use print archive tab and print draft

Progress Reporting SCREENSHOT 17 Progress Reports are accessed through the ARD Application or Progress Reports Application. Progress Reports are to be UPDATED and ARCHIVED each grading period and the day before an Annual ARD.

Updating Progress for Annual Goals – in Progress Reports Application SCREENSHOT 18, 19, & 20 Choose Student IEP Progress Goals ENTER Reporting Period date (the period being updated is indicated by the activated radio button) CLICK EDIT next to goal to be updated SPECIFY evaluator, position, frequency SELECT Progress Code, SELECT Yes or No for “Is the progress sufficient …?”, SELECT Further Action, CLICK General Comments notepad text box to enter narrative comment CLICK SAVE and DONE REPEAT steps 3-9 for each additional goal

Updating Progress for Short-term Objectives– in Progress Reports Application SCREENSHOT 21, 22, 23, & 24 Choose Student IEP Progress Objectives CLICK SHOW OBJECTIVE PROGESS to be updated. CLICK anywhere in the row of the progress period you are updating SELECT Progress Code, SELECT Yes or No for “Is the progress sufficient …?”, SELECT Further Action, CLICK General Comments notepad text box to enter narrative comment CLICK UPDATE PROGRESS, CLICK HIDE PROGRESS REPEAT steps 2-8 for each additional goal

Archiving Progress Reports – in Progress Reports Application CLICK PRINT/ARCHIVE – SCREENSHOT 23-blue arrow From list CHOOSE – SCREENSHOT 25 IEP Progress Goals / Objectives* (will print only current progress reporting period) or IEP Progress Goals / Objectives – All Periods* (will print all progress reporting periods since Annual ARD)

Archiving Progress Reports – in Progress Reports Application CLICK Print Final Copy (SCREENSHOT 25) – the document will open in PDF alongside in a new screen . . . LOOK it over for correctness Choose Folder: Progress Reports – SCREENSHOT 26 Click ARCHIVE Print progress report by clicking the “printer icon” in the PDF screen.

eSped QUESTIONS? Contact: Megan Parker, Program Specialist for Compliance & Assessment 281-357-3140, x4125 Keri Williams, Assistant Director of Special Services 281-357-3140, x4101