Collaboration on Comprehensive Columbia River Basin Hatchery RM&E How do we get to a comprehensive list of Hatchery RM&E for the Basin??
Collaborative Hatchery RM&E Sub-Framework NOAA – NPCC facilitated process Products will lend greater transparency to expectations of NOAA HGMP consultations and NPCC Categorical Review Goals: Develop a comprehensive hatchery monitoring sub-framework Confirm/start with inventory of existing and proposed hatchery and VSP monitoring Identify gaps relative to comprehensive sub-framework Fill gaps leading to a comprehensive list of hatchery RM&E Goal to collaboratively develop a comprehensive hatchery monitoring framework: Implementation & compliance monitoring Management effectiveness monitoring Coordination of treatment/reference streams Relative Reproductive Success studies Ecological interaction studies Critical uncertainties research FCRPS BiOp Hatchery RM&E RPAs Other monitoring needs
NPCC Hatchery Categorical Review Comprehensive Hatchery RM&E Sub-framework ASHWG HSRG ESA MGMT Inventory Gaps Recommendations Collaborative Process Etc. RPA 39 HGMP Development NOAA ESA Consultations Monitoring requirements and recommendations ? Skamania Workshops Existing and proposed projects Hatchery RM&E RPAs Related VSP Monitoring NPCC Hatchery Categorical Review
What’s Next Collaboratively design & initiate process to align NOAA-HGMP and NPCC-Categorical Review (CR) timelines and needs Need new HGMPs that address evolving science, BiOp issues and RPA #39, & recovery planning Collaboratively, build “strawman” hatchery M&E sub-framework Regional review and adjustments to draft \M&E sub-framework Finalize hatchery M&E sub-framework Sub-regional workshops Inventory of M&E, existing and proposed/new Gaps Recommendations Products inform HGMP consultations including associated M&E and NPCC CR