Local Culture, Popular Culture, and Cultural Landscapes Chapter 4
What are Local and Popular Cultures? EQ: 4.1 What are Local and Popular Cultures?
culture is….. Learned, not biological Transmitted within a society to next generations by imitation, tradition, instruction
culture provides…. a “general framework” each individual learns & adheres to general rules also to specific sub-groups: age, sex, status, occupation, nationality
Habit-a repetitive act by an individual. Custom-when an entire group does it. Tradition-the same as a custom-the term implies longevity. Folk culture-the enduring, traditional practices of a people. Homogeneous, often rural Traditions often unique to that culture—and preserve traits Popular culture-the rapidly changing tastes and customs of a group. Heterogeneous groups across multiple identities/world practice
Folk/Local Culture: Hutterite Colonies in North America Hutterites are an example of a local culture.
Popular Culture: A wide-ranging group of heterogeneous people, who stretch across identities and across the world They also embrace cultural traits such as music, dance, clothing, and food preference that change frequently and are ubiquitous on the cultural landscape. VOCAB CHECK: Present, appearing, or found everywhere
Material and Nonmaterial Culture Traits The things a group of people construct, such as: Art Houses Clothing Sports Dance Food Nonmaterial Culture Beliefs Practices Aesthetics Values of a group of people
How does this shopper compare with the lady from Texas in the previous slide?
Activity: Identify a type of material culture relevant to who you are (teenagers). Using your phone, see if you can find the answers to the following questions about your example of material culture. You may work with the person sitting next to you. You have 15 minutes to complete this assignment. We will discuss. Employing the concept of diffusion answer the following questions: 1. describe how you first became a “knower” of your chosen material culture. 2. where is its hearth? 3. how did it reach you (process of diffusion)? 4. is it local or popular culture? How do you know? 5. how is this aspect of culture sustained? Why is it sustained?
How are Local Cultures Sustained? EQ 4.2 How are Local Cultures Sustained?
Local cultures are sustained by maintaining customs. Custom: a practice that a group of people routinely follows. Makah wanted to reinvigorate the local culture.
Little Sweden, USA (Lindsborg, KS) Why did the residents of Lindsborg define it as a Swedish place? neolocalism: seeking out the regional culture and reinvigorating it in response to the uncertainty of the modern world (popular culture).
Local Cultures often have two goals: 1. keeping other cultures out. (ie. create a boundary around itself) 2. keeping their own culture in. (ie. avoid cultural appropriation) Vocab Check: Process by which other cultures adopt customs and knowledge and use them for their own benefit.
What role does place play in maintaining customs? By defining a place (a town or a neighborhood) or a space (for a short amount of time—annual festival) as representing a culture and its values, members of a local culture can maintain (or re-establish) its customs and reinforce its beliefs. RURAL local cultures vs. URBAN local cultures
Rural Local Cultures Migration into rural areas is less frequent. Can better separate their culture from others and popular culture Can define their own space. Daily life my be defined by a shared economic activity.
Little Sweden, USA (Lindsborg, Kansas)
Urban Local Cultures Often create ethnic neighborhoods within cities. Creates a space to practice customs. Can cluster businesses, houses of worship, schools to support local culture. Migration into ethnic neighborhoods can quickly change an ethnic neighborhood. For example: Chinatown, New York Chinatown, London Williamsburg (Brooklyn), NY North End (Boston), MA
Runners of the NYC Marathon run through Williamsburg, (Brooklyn), NY
Cultural Appropriation Questioning Authenticity Claims of authenticity are everywhere, but how can we know? How do consumers (you or the person buying it) determine what experience/place is “authentic” and what is not? Example: Religious icons, resorts
Cultural Appropriation Vocab Check: Commodity is anything that can be bought or sold. Commodification Making something a commodity that can be bought or sold Used napkin of a famous person Autographs How are aspects of local culture (material, non-material, place) commodified? What is commodified? Who commodifies it?
Irish Pub Company Pubs Irish Pub Company and Guinness Brewing Company created 5 models of pubs and export them around the world.
Little Bridge Pub in Dingle, Ireland (not an Irish Pub Company Pub)
Cultural appropriation!! How can cultural traits from local cultures become part of popular culture? Cultural appropriation!! Madonna wearing a red string Kabbalah bracelet.
What is the last place you went to or the last product you purchased that claimed to be “authentic?” Describe the cultural appropriation and commodification.